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《灵界经历》 第553节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 553

553. Continuation about the inhabitants of Jupiter

After the evil spirit had come up to me [541] and their angels were keeping hold of my head in the way described [542], restraining the spirit from bringing on anything evil, angelic choirs came from our angelic heaven. One after another, they performed their harmonious pictorial gyres, and delighted [their angels] so much that they decided they had been swept up into a higher heaven - I could faintly feel their delights - and they wanted to tell this to their other angels.

Moreover, one choir after another kept coming, and thus, as it appeared to them, the entire heaven. This delighted them most deeply, so that they confessed that their One Only Lord governs all in the starry universe. Those melodious angelic choirs continued for around an hour, and [the spirits of Jupiter] were present, and they were amazed, and were deeply moved.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 553


Afterwards an evil spirit stood near me [see n. 542 ], and their angels so occupied my head and kept the spirit off that he did not bring any evil upon me. Angelic choirs, one after another, came from our interior heaven, and performed their tuneful, representative gyres, and delighted these angels so much, that they supposed that they had been snatched up into a higher heaven, and they wanted to tell this to their other angels. I felt their delight obscurely. Moreover, there came one choir after another, and thus, as it appeared to them, [formed] a kind of entire heaven which delighted them inmostly, so that they confessed that their One Only Lord governs all in the starry universe. Those tuneful angelic choirs continued about an hour, and those who were present, both wondered and were very greatly affected.

Experientiae Spirituales 553 (original Latin 1748-1764)

553. Continuatio de Jovis incolis

Postquam spiritus malus mihi adstitit, et angeli eorum ita caput tenebant, et arcebant spiritum, ne quid mali inferret, e nostro interiori coelo veniebant 1

chori angelici, unus post alterum, ac suos gyros canoros, repraesentativos, agebant, et eos tantopere oblectabant, ut arbitrarentur se in superius coelum raptos--delitias 2

eorum obscure sentiebam--et 3

volebant id dicere suis aliis angelis, praeterea unus chorus post alterum veniebat, et sic, ut iis apparuit, integrum quoddam coelum, quod eos intime oblectabat, sic ut fassi sint, quod Unicus Dominus illorum, regat omnes in universo stellifero: chori isti canori angelici, perstabant circiter unam horam; et ii adfuerunt, et mirabantur, et afficiebantur quam maxime.


1. The Manuscript has coelo, veniebant

2. The Manuscript has raptos, delitias

3. The Manuscript has sentiebam, et

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