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《灵界经历》 第5524节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5524

5524. Those who were in the highest heaven from the heavenly kingdom are the best and wisest of all, and are innocent beings because they have a greater self-awareness and humility than others, and so more than the rest are in a state of accepting good from the Lord. They appear naked and like small children. But those who are in the hell of the demons, those in the hell opposite them, are the worst of all, and the most stupid, and entirely opposed to innocence because they have greater self-love than others. They want to look like giants.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5524

5524. Those who are in the highest heaven belong to the celestial kingdom. They are the best and wisest of all, and innocences, because they are in self-knowledge and humility more than all others, consequently, more than all others in the state of receiving good from the Lord. They appear naked, and as infants. But they who are in the hell of the genii - who are opposite to these - are the worst and stupidest of all, and entirely contrary to innocence; because they are in self-love more than all others. These wish to appear as giants.

Experientiae Spirituales 5524 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5524. Qui in supremo coelo ex coelesti regno sunt, omnium optimi et sapientissimi sunt, ac innocentiae, quia in agnitione sui et humiliatione prae reliquis, sic in statu recipiendi bonum a Domino prae reliquis; apparent nudi ac ut infantes; at qui in inferno geniorum, ipsi illis opposito, omnium pessimi sunt, et stupidissimi, et prorsus contra innocentiam, quia in amore sui prae reliquis, apparere volunt ut gigantes.

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