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《灵界经历》 第5525节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5525

5525. About the last judgment

About Christians

After this they were separated, as seen above [5470 ff., 5514], all according to their way of life, however not according to the way of the outer life but the inner life which is a matter of the will, that is, of charity. Those who lived as Christians according to the formal doctrine of their Church are separated from those who lived as Christians according to the Word, from which they had drawn many things that were suitable, without doctrine. And then those were separated whose belief certainly followed the doctrine of the Church but who had nevertheless lived according to the Word as to life. Those who had only believed and not lived [well] were thrown out, in part into the desert, in part into hells.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5525


They were afterwards separated, we have seen above, all according to the life; not according to the external life but the internal, which is of the will or of charity. Those who lived as Christians, in accordance with the doctrine of the Church, are separated from those who lived as Christians according to the Word - from which they drew many things which suited their fancy; without doctrine. Those also were separated, who, indeed, believed according to the doctrine of the Church, but still lived according to the Word as regards the life: they who only believed and did not live according thereto, were cast out, partly into desert places and partly into hells.

Experientiae Spirituales 5525 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5525. De ultimo judicio

De Christianis

Postea separabantur, visum est supra [5470 seqq., 5514], omnes secundum vitam, non secundum vitam externam sed internam quae voluntatis seu charitatis; separantur illi qui vixerunt Christiani secundum doctrinam Ecclesiae suae, ab illis qui vixerunt Christiani secundum Verbum, ex quo hauserunt plura quae convenirent, absque doctrina; tum separabantur illi qui quidem crediderunt secundum doctrinam Ecclesiae, sed usque vixerunt secundum Verbum quoad vitam; illi qui solum crediderunt, et non vixerunt, ejecti sunt, partim in deserta partim in inferna.

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