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《灵界经历》 第5526节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5526

5526. In the other life they do not care whether people have lived well according civil laws and on account of them, but that they have lived according to Divine laws and on account of them, because this life affects a person's inward parts and establishes a communication with heaven. The former [affects] only a person's outward parts, so it is for the sake of self and the world. The former out of fear of punishment do not do evil; the latter, however, do not do so because of an aversion to evil on account of evil and from an affection for good.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5526

5526. In the other life, they do not care whether a man has lived well according to the civil laws and on their account, but whether he has lived according to the Divine laws and for their sake; for this latter life affects a man's interiors and sets up a communication with heaven: the former, however, a man's exteriors only; consequently, [it is a life] for the sake of self and the world. These refrain from doing evil from fear of punishment; but the former from aversion to evil on account of its being evil, and from affection for good.

Experientiae Spirituales 5526 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5526. In altera vita non curant num homo bene vixerit secundum leges civiles et propter illas, sed quod vixerit secundum leges Divinas et propter illas, haec enim vita afficit interiora hominis, et facit communicationem cum coelo, illa autem solum exteriora hominis, ita propter se et mundum, hi ex timore poenae non faciunt malum, illi autem ex aversatione mali propter malum, et ex affectione boni.

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