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《灵界经历》 第5528节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5528

5528. In heaven too those who are there constantly turn their face to the Lord and for them the east is there, to the right is the south, to the left is the north and behind is the west, and this is how it is wherever they turn themselves. The compass points are the reverse of the compass points in the world. The reason is that the sun of the world is to them a black body at their back; the sun of heaven, who is the Lord, faces them. As a consequence the things of the world are also opposite to the things of heaven, because the sun of the world is respectively black, which symbolizes the love of self, and the moon the love of the world. The angels in heaven also see to the sides and the back when they turn their face to the Lord, thus they see to the south, the north and the west at the same time that they look to the east, but inwardly in themselves. It is also as if their sight were all around (this, too, has been granted to me) for the light from the Lord, with an angel, sends rays in every direction, but, still, indistinctly to the other quarters.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5528

5528. In heaven, also, those who are there turn their face unvaryingly to the Lord. There, with them, is the east; to the right is the south; at the left, the north; and at their back the west - and this no matter how they turn themselves. The quarters, there, are in a contrary direction from quarters in the world. The reason is, because the sun of the world is to them a black body at their back: the sun of heaven, which is the Lord, is to their face. Hence, also, it is, that worldly things are opposed to heavenly things; for the sun of the world is relatively black: it signifies the love of self, and the moon the love of the world. The angels in heaven, also, see to the sides and at the back, when they turn the face to the Lord consequently, they see to the south, north and west, at the same time as to the east, but - inwardly in themselves. It is, also, as if their sight was all around - this, too, has been granted to me - for the light from the Lord, with an angel, sends rays in every direction; but, still, indistinctly to the other quarters.

Experientiae Spirituales 5528 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5528. In coelo etiam, illi qui ibi faciem constanter vertunt ad Dominum, et ibi oriens illis, ad dextrum meridies, ad sinistrum septentrio et a tergo occidens, et hoc utcunque se vertunt, plagae ibi in contrario versu sunt a plagis in mundo, causa est quia sol mundi illis est nigrum a tergo, sol coeli qui Dominus a facie, inde est quod mundana quoque sint opposita coelestibus nam sol mundi respective est nigrum, qui significat amorem sui, et luna amorem mundi. Angeli in coelo etiam vident a lateribus et a tergo cum vertunt faciem ad Dominum, ita vident ad meridiem, septentrionem et occidentem simul cum ad orientem, sed intus in se, est tanquam visus illorum quoque esset circumquaque; hoc quoque datum est mihi: lux enim a Domino apud angelum mittit radios undequaque, sed usque obscurius ad alias plagas.

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