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《灵界经历》 第5529节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5529

5529. But those who have not yet been purged, that is, those who are not yet in heaven or in hell, do not turn themselves to their ruling love unvaryingly. But wherever they turn, they change to a different love and also understanding [of things], thus so that there are changes. And this happens with variety in whatever place they are. This persists with those who come from the world, with some for only a week, with some for months, with some for up to 50 years, depending entirely on their use there, for they serve mankind and the rest [of the spirits] as mediums. Those who are like this were said to be in the world is spirits. These, if they are cast into hell, keep coming back. But those who are purged and are once in hell do not come back. If they only poke their head out, they suffer dreadfully. I saw certain ones taken out of there. However this happened with the Lord's consent. But afterwards I saw them fall back of their own accord into their own hell. They are taken out at times for the sake of certain uses, but never without special permission from the Lord.

I saw Sixtus V taken out of hell so that he might speak with the last deceased pope, because he so desired, but was unable to remain there. He longed to go from there into hell because above hell he came into intense pain.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5529

5529. But those who are not yet vastated, that [is], who are not yet in heaven or in hell, do not turn themselves to their ruling love unvaryingly, but, in whatsoever way they turn themselves, they change the love, and also the understanding [accordingly]; so that there are rotations, and this variously according to the place they are in. With those who come from the world, this lasts, with some, only a week; with some, months; with some, years, even as many as fifty, entirely according to [their] use there; for they attend on man, and serve the rest as subject spirits. Those who are such are said to be in the world of spirits. These, if they are cast into hell, keep on returning; but they who are vastated, and are once in hell, do not return. If they only raise out the head, they are fearfully tortured. I saw some taken out thence; but this was by favor of the Lord; but, afterwards, I saw that they relapsed into their hell of themselves. They are let out, sometimes, for the sake of certain uses, but never without special permission from the Lord. I saw that Sixtus V was taken out of hell, in order that he might speak with the last deceased pope, because he particularly desired it, but that he was not able to remain there. He eagerly desired to sink down into hell, because, above hell, he came into torture.

Experientiae Spirituales 5529 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5529. At qui nondum vastati sunt, hoc [est] qui nondum in coelo et in inferno illi non constanter se convertunt ad suum amorem regnantem sed quocunque se vertunt, mutant amorem, et quoque intellectum, sic ut sint versurae, et hoc cum varietate in quocunque loco sunt; hoc perstat apud illos qui e mundo veniunt, apud quosdam modo septimanam, apud quosdam menses, apud quosdam annos usque ad 50, prorsus secundum usum ibi, nam inserviunt homini, et reliquis pro subjectis, qui tales sunt dicuntur esse in mundo spirituum; illi si conjiciuntur in infernum, usque redeunt; at qui vastati et semel in inferno sunt, non redeunt, si modo extollunt caput cruciantur dire; quosdam inde exemtos vidi, sed hoc cum venia a Domino, sed postquam visi in infernum suum a se relapsi sunt. Eximuntur quando propter aliquos usus, sed nusquam absque speciali permissione a Domino. Vidi quod Sixtus Quintus exemtus sit ex inferno, ut loqueretur cum pontifice ultimo mortuo, quia id cupivit, sed quod non potuerit morari ibi, cupivit inde in infernum, quia in angorem venit supra infernum.

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