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《灵界经历》 第5539节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5539

5539. In the Christian world today adultery is common, so that scarcely any who think on the basis of human learning, or from themselves, think adulteries are utterly horrible. They convince themselves by various means that it is unavoidable. (From this too, the character of Christianity is evident and that it is its final time.) The reason is that they do not make the doctrine of the Church a matter of life and so they are not concerned about how one lives, and they feel this way because they are spiritually adulterers.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5539

5539. In Christendom, at this day, adultery is so common that scarcely any who think from human learning or from themselves, think adulteries to be abominable. They confirm themselves in various ways [in the belief] that they are harmless; from which, also, the quality of Christendom is manifest, and, also, that its last time has arrived. The reasons are, because they do not make the doctrine of the church a matter of life; and thus because they do not care for the life; and thus, again, because they are adulterers spiritually.

Experientiae Spirituales 5539 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5539. In Christianismo hodie est adulterium commune, sic ut vix aliqui, qui cogitant ex eruditione humana, aut ex se, cogitent adulteria esse nefanda, confirmant se variis quod necessaria, ex quo etiam patet, qualis Christianismus est, et quod ejus ultimum tempus sit. Causa est, quia non faciunt doctrinam Ecclesiae, vitae, et sic quod vitam non curent, et sic quod spiritualiter adulteri sint.

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