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《灵界经历》 第5538节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5538

5538. About adulteries, about hell

After this all the adulterers were thrown out. They were all those who feel a delight in adulteries, of whom there was an enormous number. But this was done according to the species of adultery, for there are many kinds and species of it. Adulterers are not thrown out into uninhabited places, like those who are the spiritual adulterers, spoken of also above [5535], but into hells. The reason is that the kind of spirits who feel delight in adulteries have no communication at all with heaven, for heaven is founded on true marriage love since marriage love stems from the joining together of what is good and true, thus from heaven and from the essence of heaven, which is this joining together. Because of their not having the fundamental element of heaven, because they have felt a delight in adulteries, they are unable to love their married partners and so are unable to receive heaven.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5538


Afterwards, all the adulterers were cast out, who were all those who perceive delight in adulteries; of whom, also, there was a vast number. But [they were cast out] according to the species of the adultery; for there are many genera, and species of genera. Adulterers are not cast out into desert places like those who are adulterers spiritually - of whom, also, above 1- but into hells. The reason is, because such as perceive delight in adulteries have no communication at all with heaven; for heaven is formed upon love truly conjugial, inasmuch as conjugial love is from the conjunction of good and truth, and therefore is of heaven and of the essence of heaven; which [essence] is that conjunction. Wherefore, they do not possess the fundamental constituent of heaven, because they who have perceived delight in adulteries are not able to love their married partner, nor, consequently, to receive heaven.


1. No. 5473, 5475. -ED.

Experientiae Spirituales 5538 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5538. De adulteris, de inferno

Postea ejecti sunt omnes adulteri, qui fuerunt omnes illi qui jucundum in adulteriis percipiunt, quorum ingens numerus fuit, sed secundum species adulterii, sunt enim ejus multa genera et generum species: adulteri non ejiciuntur in deserta loca, sicut illi qui spiritualiter adulteri sunt, de quibus etiam supra [5535], sed in inferna; causa est quia tales qui jucundum in adulteriis percipiunt, prorsus nullam communicationem habent cum coelo, nam coelum fundatur super amore vere conjugiali, quoniam amor conjugialis est ex conjunctione boni veri, ita ex coelo ex coeli essentia, quae est illa conjunctio, quapropter fundamentale coeli non habent, quia qui jucundum in adulteriis perceperunt, non amare possunt conjugem, ita non recipere coelum.

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