554. They were further surprised when I said that I would tell the inhabitants of this earth this and that which I had heard about them. This they did not want at all to happen, for it is forbidden for them, and punishable, to publish anything spirits tell them. They were likewise surprised that such things could be published throughout the planet, because they are unfamiliar with any region beyond their own, where their relatives are.
554. Furthermore, they wondered that I said I was going to tell the inhabitants of this earth the various things I had heard about them. They were altogether unwilling that I should do so, because it is forbidden them under penalty to divulge what the spirits say to them. They also wondered that such things can be published throughout the earth, for they know nothing except their own province, where their kindred are.
554. Praeterea hoc mirati sunt, quod dicerem, me haec et illa, quae de iis audivi, dicturum incolis hujus telluris, quod prorsus non volebant, quia iis interdictum est, vulgare ea, quae spiritus iis dicunt, sub poena; mirati etiam quod vulgari talia possent, per tellurem; quia non sciunt, nisi eorum provinciam, ubi affines eorum.