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《灵界经历》 第555节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 555

555. Their Moons shine on them, so that they live in light. Those who want to be worshipped [see 519] - being those who call themselves the holiest ones, and who call and name [the Lord] "the highest lord" and not, like the others, "the one only Lord" - do not like to call the sun "sun," for they believe it is the dwelling place of their Lord most high.

They are therefore nature worshippers. It is also for this reason that they want to be fiery, as they even appear to be, and why they have continually suggested to me "the most high Lord" [549], because they strongly desire also to be called lords. These are the ones who do not want to call the sun by name. The others said that they are lying, because they know that the sun shines larger than their moons, or great stars, and with intense heat, which they seek to avoid by withdrawing into their tents.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 555

555. Their moons shine upon them, so that they live in light. Those who want themselves to be adored, and call themselves most holy, call upon and speak of the "Supreme Lord" and not, as the others do, of the "One Only Lord". They are unwilling to name the sun, for they suppose the habitation of their Supreme Lord to be there; thus they are worshippers of nature, on which account they want to be fiery, as they also appear; and they continually suggest to me the "Supreme Lord", because they also seek to be called lords themselves. These are they who are unwilling to name the sun. The others said that they lie, because they know that the sun shines more than their moons or great stars, and with much heat, which they seek to avoid by betaking themselves to their tents.

Experientiae Spirituales 555 (original Latin 1748-1764)

555. Eorum Lunae, lucent iis, sic ut vivant in luce; ii qui se adorari volunt, et sunt qui se vocant sanctissimos, ac supremum dominum non 1

ut alii "unicum Dominum" vocant 2

et dicunt, ii nolunt nominare solem, nam ibi putant habitaculum esse supremi sui Domini, quare sunt cultores naturae, quapropter etiam ignei esse volunt, sicut etiam apparent, et continue mihi suggerunt, "supremum Dominum," quia se dominos quoque vocari ambiunt, hi sunt qui non nominare volunt solem: caeteri dixerunt, quod ii mentiantur, quia norunt, quod sol major lunis suis, seu magnis stellis, luceat, et cum multo aestu, quem evitare studentes, in sua tentoria se conferunt.


1. The Manuscript has dominum, non

2. The Manuscript has Dominum, vocant

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