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《灵界经历》 第5559节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5559

5559. From this it can be seen what the speech of those in hell is like, namely, that as a result of their filthy mental images, it is filthy and cannot have a connection with the speech of angels, for the kind of mental images that are found in hell do not fall into angelic images, because they are destructive, and it can be seen that speech there varies according to the kind and type of their loves, for it is everyone's love that thinks and that speaks because the whole spirit, as to inner and outer elements, is, as it were, his love. The outer elements are their lowermost forms. From this it is clear what the differences are. The differences are such that hellish spirits can scarcely understand angelic speech, which although it similarly derives from mental images, still is from such as are opposite to their mental images. However angels can understand the hellish ones. By this too heaven is separated from the hells.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5559

5559. Hence is manifest of what nature is the speech of those who are in hell, namely, that, by reason of their foul ideas, it is foul; and that it cannot have conjunction with the speech of the angels; for such ideas as are in hell do not fall into angelic ideas, because they are destructive [thereof]: moreover, that the speech varies there according to the genera and species of the loves; for everyone's love is what thinks and speaks, because the whole spirit, as to interiors and exteriors, is, as it were, his love. The exteriors are their ultimate forms. Hence is manifest what the differences are. The differences are of such a nature that the infernals can scarcely at all understand angelic speech, which, although from ideas in like manner, yet is from such ideas as are opposite to their ideas. But angels can understand the infernals. By this means, also, heaven is separated from the hells.

Experientiae Spirituales 5559 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5559. Inde patet qualis loquela illis sit qui in inferno, quod ex ideis eorum spurcis spurca, et quae non potest conjunctionem habere cum loquela angelorum, nam tales ideae quae in inferno non cadunt in ideas angelicas, quia sunt destructivae, et quod varietur ibi loquela secundum amorum genera et species, nam amor cujusvis est qui cogitat et qui loquitur, quia totus spiritus quoad interiora et exteriora est sicut ejus amor, exteriora sunt formae ultimae eorum: inde patet, quae differentiae. Tales sunt differentiae, quod infernales vix possint intelligere loquelam angelicam, quae tametsi similiter ex ideis, usque ex talibus quae oppositae sunt ideis eorum; at angeli possunt intelligere infernales, per id etiam separatur coelum ab infernis.

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