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《灵界经历》 第556节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 556

556. In short, even though they live so simply, they are much wiser than spirits and souls who want to be learned. For they see on their own what is good, not even wanting to name "evil." Twice I wanted to say "evil," but they were averse to it. This I can declare, that they are much wiser. The details in which our people place wisdom, they reject and call worthless. They say that there is nothing of wisdom in them, on the contrary, that they obstruct the way to wisdom, which is indeed most clearly the case - something that can be seen much better by spirits, and even by people on our earth who have not acquired a taste for philosophical jargon and petty opinions. These cannot but laugh within themselves that any should think themselves wise because of such things, whereas they are like thick clouds that overshadow and obscure all the light of true understanding. For they not only hide and take away the light from them, but also blind them, being the source of all doubts that cannot be dispelled, because they lie so far away from truth.

1748, the 26th day of January.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 556

556. In a word, although they live in such simplicity, they are, nevertheless, much wiser than those spirits and souls who want to be learned, for they perceive of themselves what is good; evil they are unwilling even to mention. On two occasions I wanted to say evil, but they were averse to it. I can profess that they are much wiser [than the others]. The particulars in which our people place wisdom, they reject and call worthless, because they say there is nothing of wisdom in them, but they obstruct the way to wisdom. This also is most evident as can be much better perceived by spirits than by man. It is also perceived by the men of our earth who have not become learned from philosophies, terms, particulars, and lowest things, and who cannot but laugh in themselves that any should suppose that they are wise from these things, when such things are as it were dense clouds which overshadow and darken all truly intellectual light. For these things not only conceal and take away the light, but they also blind men, for thence come all doubts which cannot be described, as they are so far distant from the truth. 1748, Jan. 26.

Experientiae Spirituales 556 (original Latin 1748-1764)

556. Verbo tametsi in tali simplicitate vivunt, usque tamen multo sapientiores sunt spiritibus et animabus, qui docti volunt esse, nam ex se percipiunt, quid bonum, malum ne quidem nominare volunt, volui dicere bis "malum," sed id aversati sunt; hoc fateri possum, quod multo sapientiores sunt, particularia, in quibus nostri sapientiam ponunt, rejiciunt, et nauci vocant, quia nihil sapientiae iis inesse dicunt, sed dicunt, ea obstruere viam ad sapientiam, sicut etiam clarissimum est, quod multo melius a spiritibus percipi potest quam ab homine, sicut etiam ab hominibus in nostra tellure, qui nihil ex philosophicis, terminis, et particularibus infimis sapuerunt; ii in se non possunt non ridere, quod sapientes se putent ex iis, cum ea sunt quasi nubes densae, quae obumbrant et obtenebrant omnem lucem vere intellectualem; non enim abscondunt solum, et auferunt lucem, sed etiam occoecant eos, nam inde omnia dubia veniunt, quae discuti nequeunt, nam tam longe absunt a veritate. 1748, die 26 Jan.

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