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《灵界经历》 第557节

(一滴水译本 2020--)

557.关于灵人与人类的交流。如前所说、所示(319, 445节),当灵人,就是肉身死亡者的灵魂,与世人同在并站在他们背后时,以为自己完全就是这些世人。他们若得到允许,就能通过一个与他们说话的世人完全融入世上的生活,但这种事通过其他人做不到。事实上,这种事做得如此明显,以至于他们可以利用那个世人通过话语,甚至文字来交流他们自己的思想。因为有时候,事实上很多时候,他们控制我的手写东西,完全像是用自己的手写一样,以至于他们还以为是他们自己在写。我可以作证,这是千真万确的。事实上,如果允许的话,他们能以自己的风格来写作,这也是我从一点经验中了解到的;不过,这是不允许的。(1748年1月26日)

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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 557

557. About communication of spirits with mankind

As has been stated and demonstrated [319, 445], when spirits, who are the souls of those dead as to the body, are present with people on earth and stand at their back, they believe that they are in every way those people. And if they were allowed, they could be entirely engaged in the life of the world through a person who speaks with them, although it could not be done through others. In fact, this could be done so openly, that through that person they would be able to communicate their own thoughts by words, even by letters. For several times, in fact quite often, they controlled my hand while writing, entirely as if it were their own, so that they believed it was they themselves who were writing. This is so true, that I can swear to it. Indeed, if they were permitted, they could write in their own style, which I know also from a bit of experience; but they are not permitted to do this. 1748, the 26th day of January.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 557


As was before said and shown [nos. 319, 445], when spirits, who are the souls of those who are dead as to the body, are with man and stand at his back, they suppose themselves to be altogether men; and if it were permitted them, by means of the man who speaks with them - but not with others - they could altogether be in the life of the world, and indeed so manifestly, that through another man they could communicate their thoughts, by means of words, and even by letters. For at times, yea very often, they have directed my hand when writing just as if it were their own, so that they supposed that it was they who were writing. This is indeed true, as I can testify. Indeed, if it were permitted, they could write in their own style, which also I know by some little experience; but this is not permitted. 1748, Jan. 26. 1


1. A number of instances of this experience will be found in The Word Explained, nos. 1150, 1510a, 5652, 6327.

Experientiae Spirituales 557 (original Latin 1748-1764)

557. De communicatione spirituum cum homine

Sicut dictum et ostensum [445], spiritus, qui sunt animae mortuorum quoad corpus, dum apud homines sunt tergo ejus adstant, putant quod prorsus homines sint si iis permitteretur, potuissent per hominem, qui loquitur cum iis, non autem cum aliis, prorsus esse in vita mundi quidem tam manifeste, ut per alium 1

hominem sua cogitata possent communicare per voces, imo per literas, nam aliquoties, imo saepius, manum meam scribentem prorsus ut suam direxerunt, sic ut putarent semet scribere quod tam verum est, ut contestari id queam, et quidem si permitteretur, possent suomet stylo scribere, quod etiam per experientiae pusillulum, scio, sed hoc non permittitur. 1748, die 26 Jan.


1. num intelligendum hic per alios...per talem

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