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《灵界经历》 第5561节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5561

5561. About Books and the Word in heaven

They have Word there and also books. In the spiritual heaven the writing is similar to the writing in the world, with Latin letters, but entirely unintelligible to those who are in the natural world, for it is an entirely different language, which is universal. Those who read those things immediately comprehend the words there according to their natural mental images. I saw many, but when I was in an earthly state I could read but not understand. Books were seen, the written documents were before my eyes. I read them and did so a number of times. They have the Word likewise, some according to its internal sense, some according to its external sense. But nonetheless it is more spiritual.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5561


They have the Word there, and also books. In the spiritual heaven the writing is like writings in the world, with Roman letters; but they are not at all intelligible to those who are in the natural world, for they are in an entirely different language, which is a universal one. They who read it, comprehend it instantly. The words in it are according to their natural ideas. They were many times seen by me; but, when I was in a natural state, though I was able to read I could not understand. I saw books: the letters were before my eyes: I read them; and this on many occasions. They have the Word, likewise; some, according to its internal sense; some, according to the external sense, but yet a more spiritual one [than with us].

Experientiae Spirituales 5561 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5561. De Libris et Verbo in coelo

Habent Verbum ibi, et quoque libros, in spirituali coelo est scriptura similis scripturae in mundo, latinis literis, sed prorsus non intelligibilis illis qui in naturali mundo sunt, nam prorsus lingua alia, quae universalis, qui legunt illa, illico comprehendunt, voces ibi sunt secundum naturales eorum ideas; visi sunt pluries a me, sed cum in statu naturali eram, legere potui, sed non intelligere, visi libri, scripturae ante oculos, legi, et hoc pluries; Verbum habent similiter, quidam secundum sensum ejus internum, quidam secundum sensum externum, sed usque spiritualem magis.

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