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《灵界经历》 第5598节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5598

5598. Continuation about Babylon

Because there are a great number of the type that are called Babel or Babylon who have not yet been purged and so wander free in the world of spirits, up to several hundred thousand, who are successively purged just like new spirits arriving from Earth, it is therefore allowed them to do the same as previously, and indeed in the same regions and places. Therefore similar things are continually recurring. But nonetheless after this they are continually reduced to nothing and are hurled into hells. This too was seen and it happened when I slept. Several thousand were gathered at the southern side toward the west, but in the region of the outermost boundary there. And they began to do the same things, to establish monasteries, to scrape together the wealth of others, and to exercise command over souls. When up to several thousand had been gathered together, they began to want to destroy those things that are Lord's, or rather those with whom the Lord was. Then their own destruction began and a part was hurled into the western lake, and a part into two pools there. And when they had been destroyed, that place looked like the rubble of houses laid waste by fire, for some were left, black from fire. It happens like this everywhere from this point on: as soon as they are gathered and there are several thousand, they are destroyed in this way, likewise everywhere else. For spirits like this cannot gather elsewhere than in their own places, thus in places in agreement with their love. But this takes place through several alternating states after a final judgment; nevertheless in the end they are finally carried, as said, into hells.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5598


Because there are a large number of such as are called Babel, or Babylon, who are not yet vastated, but roam at large in the world of spirits, and this up to several hundred thousands, who are vastated successively as new ones arrive from the earth - it is, therefore, permitted them to carry on in like manner as at first, and, indeed, in the same quarters, or places. Similar things, therefore, were continually recurring; but, immediately thereafter, they are destroyed and cast into hells. This also was seen; and it happened when I was asleep. They assembled, up to many thousands, at the southern part towards the west, but in the remotest boundary there, and began to carry on similarly, to establish monasteries, to scrape together riches from others, and to lord it over souls; and, when assembled to the number of many thousands, they took upon them to wish to destroy those things which belong to the Lord, or which are with those with whom the Lord was. Then commenced their destruction; and they were cast, partly into a western place, and partly into the two gulfs there; and, when they were destroyed, that place appeared like the ruins of houses laid waste by fire, not anything being left - black from fire. It so happened after this, in every part, that, as soon as they are assembled to the number of several thousands, they are thus destroyed - also, everywhere else. For, such ones cannot be assembled elsewhere than in their own places, thus in places agreeing with their love. But this takes place, several times alternately through several alternations, after the Last Judgment, until [it happens], at length, that they are carried directly into the hells.

Experientiae Spirituales 5598 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5598. Continuatio de Babylonia

Quia ex talibus quae Babel seu Babylonia vocantur, ad multum numerum sunt, qui nondum vastati, sed liberi in mundo spirituum vagati, et hoc usque ad aliquot centena millia, quae successive vastantur, sicut novi ex tellure adveniunt, ideo conceditur illis similiter facere sicut priores, et quidem in iisdem plagis, et locis; ideo similia recurrunt continue; sed usque continue post hoc destruuntur, et conjiciuntur in inferna: hoc quoque visum est, et factum cum dormivi, congregati sunt ad plura millia ad partem meridionalem versus occidentem sed in ultimo termino ibi, et inceperunt similiter facere, instituere monasteria, corradere opes ab aliis, et imperare animabus, qui cum collecti ad plura millia, ceperunt velle destruere illa quae Domini sunt, seu illos apud quos Dominus erat, tunc incepit eorum destructio, et conjecti sunt partim in lacum occidentalem, partim in binas voragines ibi, et cum destructi sunt, apparebat locus ille sicut rudera domuum incendio vastata, nam quaedam relicta, nigra ex igne, ita fit posthac ubivis, quod ut primum congregantur ac aliquot millia, ita destruantur, etiam ubivis alibi: nam tales non possunt alibi congregari quam in locis suis ita convenientibus amori eorum, sed quod hoc fiat per aliquot vices post ultimum judicium, usque tandem ut dicitur, feruntur in inferna.

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