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《灵界经历》 第5601节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5601

5601. How they are noticed in the heavens, as to whether their inward [thoughts and feelings] are in a good state

Those of them there who do not give much notice to the state of their inward [thoughts and feelings] when they think and do something are noticed from external appearances, both outside the house and inside the house, and also from their clothing and from their face. If they have not thought rightly, as for example, if something evil, lascivious or insincere has crept in and they have not rejected it, then when they go outside the house, garden plants and the like seem either to have disappeared or changed as to varieties, as to beauty, or as to brilliance. If they have disappeared or appear in dim light, they immediately know they have thought something of an evil nature, and they also think about where this came from and what manner of evil or falsity it was; and it is granted them to know of themselves as it were and to recall [what it was], and then they shun it or repent of them. When this has been done, the former beauty returns.

[2] Also, if spots appear on their clothing, if they become darker, then in the same way they recall where it came from. They are brilliant, white and rosy when they think of truths from good. It happens the same way in beds, in their ceilings, in which beautiful variegations of many of the decorations sometimes appear. When they lead a life of truth and of good, they are changed in other respects too. This happens in thousands of others ways, all of which are matters of notice. [The states of] young women too are noticed by the changes of beauty in their face.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5601


Those who are there do not attend closely to the state of their interiors. When they think and do anything they are admonished, through the external appearances, both without the house and within the house, and also upon their clothes and in the face - if they have not thought rightly. If, for example, anything of evil, lasciviousness, or insincerity, has crept in and they have not rejected it, then, outside the house, when they go out, the garden-products and the like, appear to have either vanished, or changed as regards varieties and as regards beauty, or as regards brightness. If they have vanished, or appear dim, they instantly know that they have thought something of evil; and they also reflect whence this is, and what of evil, or of falsity, it is; and it is given them, from themselves as it were to know themselves, and they recollect; and, then, they shun it, or it causes them to repent of those things; which being done, the former loveliness returns. And if spots appear upon their clothes, or if they become less bright, then, in like manner, they thence recollect [wherein they fell away]: they are lustrous, white and roseate when they have thought truths from good. The like happens in the beds, and on their ceilings; in which sometimes appear beautiful variegations of many adornments, when they lead the life of truth and of good: in any other case, they are changed. Thus in a thousand other instances, all of which are admonitions. Maidens are also admonished, through changes of beauty in their face.

Experientiae Spirituales 5601 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5601. Quomodo advertuntur in coelis, num interiora eorum in statu bono sunt

Qui eorum ibi non advertunt bene ad statum interiorum suorum, cum aliquid cogitant et faciunt, illi advertuntur per apparentias externas, tam extra domum quam intra domum, et quoque super vestibus suis, et in facie, si non bene cogitaverunt, ut si aliquid mali, lascivi aut insinceri irrepsit, et non id rejecerint, tunc apparent extra domum cum exeunt, hortulana et talia vel evanuisse, vel mutata quoad varietates, et quoad pulchritudinem vel quoad splendorem, si evanuerunt, seu obscura apparent, sciunt illico quod aliquid mali cogitaverint, et quoque cogitant unde hoc et quid mali aut falsi et datur eis ex seipsis quasi scire, et recognoscunt, et tunc fugiunt id vel poenitet eorum, quo facto redit pulchritudo prior; etiam si maculae super vestibus apparent, si fiunt obscuriores, tunc similiter inde recognoscunt, splendidae, albae, roseae sunt, cum cogitant vera ex bono, similiter fit in lectis, in tectis eorum, in quibus quandoque variegationes pulchrae, plurium decorationum apparent, cum vitam veri et boni agunt, alioquin mutantur, ita in mille aliis, quae omnia sunt advertentiae. Etiam advertuntur virgines per mutationes pulchritudinis in facie earum.

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