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《灵界经历》 第5602节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5602

5602. About books and the Word in the other life in heaven

They have books there written just as in the world, and the writing in them is the same as in the world, Latin, Hebrew, and Far Eastern. I have often seen books, and also sheets of paper, sent to me from heaven written from top to bottom. I read them just as in the world, but where this writing came from will be said in another place. Everything that people have written remains in their inward memory and is also read before them like a Book.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5602


They have books there, written as in the world, and similar writing in them as in the world, in the Latin, Hebrew and Eastern languages. I have seen the books frequently; and, also, papers have been sent to me out of heaven, written from top to bottom. I read them as in the world. But whence the writings [come] shall be told elsewhere. Each thing that a man writes, remains in the interior Book of his memory, and is read before him.

Experientiae Spirituales 5602 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5602. De libris et Verbo in altera vita in coelo

Habent libros ibi scriptos sicut in mundo, et scriptura in illis similis ut in mundo, in Latina, Hebraica, et orientali, saepe vidi libros, et quoque chartas ad me missas e coelo scriptas a supra ad infra, legi illas sicut in mundo, sed unde scriptura, alibi dicetur. Quidque quod homo scripsit manet in ejus memoria interiori [et sicut ex] Libro ante eum etiam legitur.

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