5608. The natural thought of people on earth is the plane on which all the wisdom of the angels comes to rest. It is a foundation like that of a house; all that the angels think comes down onto this plane. Consequently, such as is the nature of the plane, such also does their wisdom become; or in other words, such as are the lowest things, so are the first.
5608. The natural thought of man is a plane in which all things of angelic wisdom close: it is a foundation like that of a house. Into that plane all things which the angels think fall. Thence, afterwards, is a plane which is also of such a quality as their wisdom becomes; in other words, as are the ultimates so are the primaries.
5608. Hominis cogitatio naturalis est planum, in quod desinunt omnia sapientiae angelicae, est fundamentum sicut domus, in id planum cadunt omnia quae angeli cogitant; inde quale planum est, talis etiam fit sapientia eorum; aut sicut ultima ita prima.