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《灵界经历》 第5610节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5610

5610. The angels said to me that sometimes they have a great deal of wisdom, sometimes less, that sometimes their thought is clear, sometimes obscure, and that their thoughts are directed to areas in different ways, now here, now there. And they said that depending on the direction, [they think] either more clearly or more obscurely. However, they are not turned toward themselves but toward people on earth, and they know that they are turned toward the human race where such things are to which [their thoughts] are directed. They said that they have gotten this from very much experience and that when they are directed to those things in my thought from the heavenly doctrine, they have greater clarity than at other times.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5610

5610. Angels have told me that they are sometimes in great wisdom, sometimes in less, sometimes in clearness, sometimes in obscurity; and that their thoughts are variously directed to the quarters, now this, now that, and that they are in greater clearness, or obscurity, according to the direction - but they are not turned to themselves but to men; also, that they thence know that [they are turned] to the human race, where such things are to which they are determined. They said that they have this from much experience; and, when [they are turned] to those things which are in my thought from the heavenly doctrine, then they are in greater clearness than in any other case.

Experientiae Spirituales 5610 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5610. Dixerunt mihi angeli, quod interdum sint in multa sapientia interdum in minori, interdum in claro, interdum in obscuro, et quod varie dirigantur eorum cogitationes ad plagas, nunc illuc vel illuc, et quod secundum directionem eo clarius vel obscurius, sed illi non vertuntur ad se sed ad homines; et quod inde sciant quod ad humanum genus, ubi talia sunt ad quae determinantur, dixerunt quod hoc a pluri experientia habeant, et cum ad illa quae in cogitatione mea ex doctrina coelesti, tunc in clariori quam alioquin.

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