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《灵界经历》 第5615节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5615

5615. It also has been observed from experience that just as lowest, last things are directed by the Lord by prior ones, conversely so also are prior ones by lowest, last things, and the Lord is the First and the Last, that is, He is in what is first and in what is last in order that all things of heaven may be directed in this manner; and for this reason He became a human on earth, so that He Himself might be in last things from Himself and not from other humans. Thence it is that He Himself directs all things from what is first and from what is last: lower, last things through prior things in heaven, and prior things, that is heaven, from lower, last things. This is the source of the interconnection.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5615

5615. It was also observed, from experience, that, like as ultimates are directed by the Lord from priors, so also, in turn, priors from ultimates; and the Lord is the First and the Ultimate, or in the first and in the ultimate, in order that, so, all things of heaven might be directed; and, therefore, He became a man, so that He might also be in ultimates of Himself, and not by others - they being men. Owing to that, He Himself directs all things from the First and the Ultimate: ultimates, through priors, in heaven; and priors, through heaven, from ultimates: hence is the nexus.

Experientiae Spirituales 5615 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5615. Observatum quoque ab experientia est, quod sicut a Domino diriguntur ultima a prioribus, ita quoque vicissim priora ab ultimis, et Dominus est Primus et Ultimus, seu in primo et in ultimo, ut sic omnia coeli dirigerentur, ac ideo factus homo, ut Ipse etiam in ultimis esset ex se, et non ex aliis hominibus, inde omnia Ipse ex primo et ultimo dirigit, ultima per priora in coelo, et priora seu coelum ex ultimis, inde nexus.

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