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《灵界经历》 第5617节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5617

5617. The last, lowermost plane is in the thinking aspect of a person, whether thinking about things like this, or thinking about other things, or sleeping, for this plane is still present within him. This too I know from much experience and because the whole person is of the nature of the truth and good present in that person.

Many people together can serve as one plane for one angel. The Lord has arranged it in this fashion so that what is lacking in one is in the other, and He also composes it from many things so that they may still serve together as one plane.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5617

5617. The plane and ultimate is with an intelligent man, whether he is thinking about such things, or is thinking about other things, or is asleep; for it is with him constantly. This also I know from much experience and also because the whole man is of such quality as the truth and good with him. Many men can at the same time serve as a plane for one angel. The Lord so arranges that what is absent in one may be in another; He, also, composes one thing from many, so that it may still serve at the same time for one plane.

Experientiae Spirituales 5617 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5617. Planum ultimum est apud hominem intelligentem sive cogitat de talibus, sive cogitat de aliis, sive dormit, nam usque apud illum est, hoc quoque a multa experientia, et quia totus homo est quale verum et bonum apud illum. Plures homines simul possunt pro uno plano servire uni angelo, disponit ita Dominus, ut quod deest in uno sit in altero, et quoque ex pluribus componit, ut usque serviant simul pro uno plano.

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