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《灵界经历》 第5618节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5618

5618. Continuation about the Word

There were some unmarried young women who read the Word daily. One was of a heavenly nature; the other two were intermediate between those who are heavenly and those who are spiritual. These three had the Word in their possession. When two of them did not read it for 10 days the copy of the Word disappeared. But they thought about the reason for this, and it was realized that it was because they were not reading. Then they took a copy of the Word from a rock, and when they read it, the characters of the words were of a nature similar [to those before], but they did not understand. They were in the heavenly style of writing. After this they took the Word and read it daily. The Word they had was the Word according to the more inward sense, which is midway between the natural and the spiritual, in the fashion of history and prophecy. But in place of the names of persons and places, and in place of the numbers, there were subjects, there in place of Moses, Aaron, and David was the Lord.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5618


There were certain maidens who read the Word daily. One of them was of the celestial genius: two others intermediate between the celestials and the spirituals. These three had the Word. When two of them did not read it for ten days, then their copy of the Word did not appear. But they pondered whence this arose; and it was perceived that it was because they did not read it. Then, they took a copy of the Word out of a rock, and, when they read it, the characters of the words were similar, but they did not understand. They were in the celestial style. They afterwards received the Word and read it daily. Their Word was according to the interior sense, which is midway between the natural and the spiritual. It was historic and prophetic; but, instead of the names of persons and places, and instead of numbers, there were things. In place, there, of Moses, of Aaron, of David, there was the Lord.

Experientiae Spirituales 5618 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5618. Continuatio de Verbo

Erant quaedam virgines, quae quotidie legebant in Verbo, una earum erat ex genio coelesti, binae alterae intermediae inter coelestes et spirituales, tres illae habebant Verbum, cum binae ex illis non per 10 dies legebant illud, tunc Liber Verbi non apparebat; sed cogitabant unde hoc, et perceptum quia non legerint, tunc sumebant Librum Verbi ex petra, et cum legebant illud, similes characteres vocum erant, non intelligebant, erant in coelesti stylo, postea receperunt Verbum et legebant in illo quotidie, illarum Verbum erat secundum sensum interiorem, qui medius inter naturalem et spiritualem, historice et prophetice, sed pro nominibus personarum et locorum, et pro numeris, res, ibi loco Mosis, Aharonis, Davidis erat Dominus.

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