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《灵界经历》 第5619节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5619

5619. About the Jews in the other life and about the Hebrew Language and its correspondences

The Jews lived in the Christian world because they have the Word and because they knew about the Messiah. They lived a little to the left, in parallel with the sole of the foot and below, and there was an enormous multitude. Those who were there worshiped Moses and Abraham and others in the Word. Moses appears to them when they do something evil, with staff in hand, and frightens them and admonishes them. A particular angel in heaven appears in such guise, and they persuade themselves that he is Moses. I know many things about Abraham but it is not yet time to publish these.

[2] They read the Word in the original language, and from their mental images arising from that language itself, the heavenly [angels] take heavenly things that are in the Word, for there is a correspondence of that language, as to its syllables, with heavenly forms spoken of in other places [4671, 5578, 5580]

A little before Babylon was destroyed, those from the Christian world also were thrown out there, and in indeed to the northern region far away there, where they wander alone and are in a miserable state there. Nevertheless they are held back from their inner elements, which are filthy, and [they carry on existence] in their outer ones, in which they can be active with their inner elements closed off more so than other people's. The Lord foretold this in Matthew, that they were tolerated up to this point in time on account of the Word, through which there could be some communication with heaven. The evil among them are in a certain desert which is called the desert of thieves, also in the northern quarter.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5619


The Jews dwelt within the Christian world, because they had the Word and have known about the Messiah. They dwelt a little to the left, in a parallel with the sole of the foot and below; and there was a vast multitude there. Those there venerated Moses and Abraham, and others in the Word. Moses appears to them when they do anything of evil, with a staff in his hand, and terrifies them and admonishes them: a certain angel in heaven appears in such a form, and they persuade themselves that it is Moses. I know, too, many things about Abraham; but it is not yet time to disclose them all.

They read the Word in the original tongue; and, from their ideas derived from that very tongue, the celestial angels take up the celestial things which are in the Word; for the correspondence of that tongue, as regards the very syllables even, is with celestial forms - of which in another place. 1But, a little while before Babylon was destroyed, those [Jews] from the Christian world, were also cast out there, and even to the northern quarter in the direction of the length there, where they wander alone, and, there, are in a wretched state. They are still withheld from their internals (which are vile), and in the externals - in which closed-up internals they are able to be more than any other nation. These things the Lord predicts in Matthew, that, [namely], they were tolerated thus far for the sake of the Word, through which there might be some communication with heaven. - The evil of them are in a certain desert, which is called the desert of robbers, which is also in the northern quarter.


1. No. 5620, below. -ED.

Experientiae Spirituales 5619 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5619. De Judaeis in altera vita et de Lingua Hebraea et ejus correspondentia

Judaei habitarunt intra Christianismum, quia habebant Verbum, et noverunt de Messia, habitabant ad sinistram paulo, in parallelo cum planta pedis, et infra, et erat ibi ingens multitudo, illi ibi adorabant Moschen et Abrahamum, et alios in Verbo, apparet illis Moscheh, cum aliquid mali faciunt, cum baculo in manu, et terret eos, et admonet eos, apparet quidam angelus in coelo, in tali forma, et persuadent sibi quod sit Moscheh, de Abrahamo plura scio, sed nondum est tempus omnia illa vulgare. Legunt in Verbo, in Lingua originali, et ex ideis eorum ex ipsa illa lingua capiunt coelestes coelestia quae in Verbo, nam correspondentia istius linguae quoad syllabas est cum formis coelestibus, de quibus alias [4671, 5578, 5580-5581]: sed paulo antequam Babylonia destructa est, illi etiam ex Christiano orbe, ibi ejecti sunt, et quidem ad septentrionalem plagam longe ibi, ubi vagantur solitarii, et ibi in statu misero sunt, detinentur usque ab internis suis, quae foeda, et in externis, in quibus esse possunt occlusis internis, prae alia gente, haec praedixit Dominus apud Matthaeum, quod eo usque tolerarentur, propter Verbum, per quod aliqua communicatio potuit esse cum coelo. - Mali eorum in quodam deserto sunt, quod vocatur desertum latronum, etiam in septentrionali plaga.

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