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《灵界经历》 第563节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 563

563. Continuation about the inhabitants of Jupiter

Those who are the worst of them worship the Sun, calling it the face of the Lord. But while those who call themselves saints persuade their own people that this is so, yet they say that they themselves do not worship the sun, but the Lord on high, whose abode is in the sun. These, however, are their worst ones, and the others shun them. From them, even spirits stay away, as said before [549], on account of the cold. So they are shut out from communication with heaven.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 563


The worst of them are those who adore the sun and call it the face of the Lord; but those who call themselves saints so persuade their servants. They say, however, that they themselves do not adore the sun, but the supreme Lord whose dwelling-place is in the sun; but such are the worst of them whom the others shun. The spirits also are absent from them, as was said [n. 549, on account of the cold; thus they are excluded from communication with heaven.

Experientiae Spirituales 563 (original Latin 1748-1764)

563. Continuatio de Jovis incolis

Ii qui eorum pessimi sunt, adorant Solem, et vocant eum faciem. Domini, sed ii qui sanctos se vocant, ita persuadent suis; ii autem dicunt se non adorare solem, sed supernum Dominum, cujus domicilium sit in sole, sed tales sunt eorum pessimi, et eos alii aversantur; ab iis etiam spiritus absunt, ut dictum [549] ob frigus, sic exclusi sunt a communicatione cum coelo.

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