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《灵界经历》 第5632节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5632

5632. When they had seen us, they said among themselves that [we] men were lower class and had no status. On hearing this we asked how they understood the Lord's words that he who is least is greatest in heaven, and the greatest least. They wanted to say that they say they themselves are least, but we replied that by this expression is not understood saying one is the least, but being so at heart. Although they say they are least, when they say it one still clearly senses that they wish to be greatest. It was then asked where individuals like this are.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5632

5632. When they saw us, they said among themselves, They are paltry men and not in any eminence; on hearing which, I asked how they understand the Lord's words, that he who is least should in heaven be greatest, and the greatest least. They wanted to say that they declare themselves least; but I replied that this word does not mean to be least according to the mouth, but least in heart; when, nevertheless, although they style themselves least, they are yet thoroughly well-known as wishing to be greatest. It was then inquired where such ones were.

Experientiae Spirituales 5632 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5632. Dicebant inter se cum nos viderent, quod homines viles sint, et non in aliqua eminentia, quo audito, dicebamus quomodo intelligant Domini verba, quod qui minimus sit maximus in coelo, et maximus minimus, volebant dicere quod minimos se dicant, sed respondebamus, quod [per] id verbum non intelligatur ore minimum esse, sed corde minimum, cum tamen illi, tametsi minimos se dicant, usque manifeste appercipiatur quod velint maximi esse, quaerebatur tunc ubinam tales.

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