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《灵界经历》 第5636节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5636

5636. Finally those who were in the mountain were visited in this way and perished. The whole mountain collapsed in the middle, and they were hurled straight into the deep; and waters were brought from the western sea, which poured in so that they too were swamped, but not where the others were, spoken of earlier [5300, 5331, 5409, 5502]. After this they struggled to emerge and so get out, but then sulfurous smoke from a fire appeared, rising from the love of self and ruling. It was seen on every side, which was a sign that they had been even more deeply immersed in the passions of that filthy love.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5636

5636. At length, those who were in this mountain underwent visitation, and perished in almost the same manner. The whole mountain sunk down in the midst, and they were cast altogether into the depth; and waters were drawn off from the western sea [K. Fig. 5], which overwhelmed [them]; so that these were also immersed in the waters of the sea, though not where the rest were, of whom [I have spoken] above [no. 5300]. They afterwards struggled to emerge, and so get out; but there then appeared a sulfurous smoke of fire, from the love of self and of ruling, which was seen on all sides. This was a sign that they have been still more deeply immersed in the cupidities of that filthy love.

Experientiae Spirituales 5636 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5636. Illi tandem qui in hoc monte ita visitati et perierunt, subsidit totus mons in medio, et illi prorsus in profundum conjecti, et ex mari occidentali deductae sunt aquae, quae superinfusae, sic ut illi quoque immersi aquis maris, sed non ubi caeteri, de quibus prius [5300, 5331, 5409, 5502]; connitebantur postea emergere et sic exire, sed tunc apparuit fumus igneo sulphureus, ex amore sui et imperandi, qui visus undequaque, quod signum erat quod adhuc magis immersi fuerint cupiditatibus foedi illius amoris.

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