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《灵界经历》 第5640节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5640

5640. This is done either by using affections, which are matters of the will, or by using things pertaining to faith, which are matters of the understanding. Few can pretend to be angels of light in the heavens by using affections, because the perception of such angels there is very sensitive. However, in the lower realm and with all the simple on the threshold of heaven, they can, by using affections, simulate angels of light, since those spirits have neither inward perception nor a knowledgeable awareness, and since when they were in the world they also had taken the neighbor to be whoever was wretched, poor, or begging, if that person simply had made a pretense of being wretched.

[2] But through truths belonging to faith, thus through matters pertaining to the understanding, they are able [to simulate angels of light]. They can speak in a moral and Christian-like fashion as much as others, from understanding and from the light of heaven; and as they do so they artfully conceal their own personal affections, and even venture to counterfeit good qualities. They also know how to make use of communication with simple and good people so that good affections flow into their truths, and in this way present themselves before angels as angels also. They are received too, but cannot hide themselves for long. I have seen spirits like this and heard how they ingratiate themselves and how they act and that they are accepted. There are still more tricks, such as how certain ones can even bring themselves into the heavenly heaven.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5640

5640. This takes place, either by means of affections, which are of the will, or, by means of those things which are of faith, which belong to the understanding. Few can feign themselves angels of light in the heavens by means of affections, because the perception of such things there is exquisite; but, in a lower sphere, and with all the simple at the threshold of heaven, they are able to counterfeit angels of light by means of affections; for, those do not have interior perception, nor penetration from knowledges; and because, also, in the world, they have esteemed as neighbor whoever was wretched, poor and a beggar, if only he displayed his misery. But they can by means of the truths of faith, and so through intellectual things. They are able to speak more admirably and in a more Christian manner than others, from the understanding, and from the light of heaven; and, then, they hide their affections by art, nor do they dare to imitate goods. They know, also, through communication with the simple-good, how to bring it to pass that good affections may inflow into their truths, and thus to present themselves before the angels, as angels, too. They are also received, but are not able to disguise themselves long. I saw such ones, and heard how they worm themselves in, and how they behave; also that they are received. There are still more arts; as, for instance, how some are able to bring themselves even into the celestial heaven.

Experientiae Spirituales 5640 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5640. Hoc fit vel per affectiones quae voluntatis, vel per illa quae fidei quae intellectus; per affectiones pauci possunt mentiri angelos lucis in coelis, quia ibi exquisita talium perceptio est, sed in inferiore sphaera, et apud omnes simplices in limine coeli, possunt per affectiones simulare lucis angelos, nam illi non habent interiorem perceptionem, nec animadvertentiam ex cognitionibus, et quia in mundo etiam pro proximo habuerunt quemcunque miserum, pauperem, et rogantem, modo praetexerit miseriam; sed per vera fidei ei sic per intellectualia possunt, possunt loqui tam bene, et tam Christiane, quam alii ex intellectu, et ex luce coeli, et tunc affectiones suas arte recondunt, vel audent imitari bonas, sciunt etiam per communicationem cum simplicibus bonis facere, ut affectiones bonae influant in eorum vera, et sic sistere se coram angelis ut quoque angelos; recipiuntur etiam, sed non possunt se diu occultare; vidi tales et audivi quomodo se insinuant, et quomodo faciunt, et quod acceptati. Sunt adhuc plures artes, sicut quomodo quidam se possunt in coelum coeleste quoque inferre.

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