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《灵界经历》 第5641节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5641

5641. It is important to know that whatever the will is, the human intellect is preserved intact by the Lord for the sake of giving everyone the possibility of being reformed, which happens by means of the intellect; and I have heard hellish spirits who equally well understand the truths of faith and go as deeply into secret matters as good spirits do. And they can also speak rationally, although their heart is far away, and when they speak, their will is lacking; and they scarcely know otherwise than that they are like this in heart and mind although they are not. It is just as many preachers are accustomed to do who when they are preaching. They believe that [what they are saying] is true, and they speak as if from faith and love, when nevertheless at home by themselves they are entirely the opposite.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5641

5641. It should be known that the intellectual of man is preserved entire by the Lord, whatever may be the state of his voluntary; to the end that everyone may be able to be reformed which takes place by the means of the intellectual; and I have heard infernals both well understand the truths of faith, and enter into arcana as ably as the good; and they are likewise able to speak intellectually, although the heart is far away. When they are speaking, also, the voluntary is separated, and they scarcely know otherwise than that they are such in heart and mind - although they are not; like many preachers are wont to do, who, when they are in the act of preaching, believe that the thing is as they say, and speak as from faith and love; when, nevertheless, by themselves at home, they are quite the reverse.

Experientiae Spirituales 5641 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5641. Sciendum est, quod intellectuale hominis integrum servetur a Domino, utcunque ejus voluntarium est, ob causam ut possit quisque reformari, quod fit medio intellectuali, et audivi infernales tam bene intelligere vera fidei, et penetrare arcana sicut boni, et quoque possunt loqui intellectualiter, tametsi cor procul abest, et cum loquantur, abest voluntarium, et vix sciunt aliter quam quod corde et animo tales sint, tametsi non sunt; sicut solent plures praedicatores, qui cum in praedicatione sunt, credunt quod ita sit et loquuntur sicut ex fide et amore, eum tamen apud se domi prorsus contrarii sint.

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