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《灵界经历》 第5656节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5656

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5656

5656. They are accustomed to treat all whomsoever they come across, in the following manner: they are able, by their art, to lead to themselves anyone they see, and to cause his presence with themselves, howsoever he may resist; and, then, they disclose his evils (for evil spirits, especially sirens, are able to do this); and, thus, they accuse and condemn him. If he is not then driven to accepting their worship - either their devil-worship, or the hypocritical acting of holiness on the other side 1- they cast such ones into dusky caverns around their mountain: but, still, they are taken out by the Lord.


1. For the full significance of these allusions, See n. 5652, below. -ED.

Experientiae Spirituales 5656 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5656. 1

Solebant illi ita tractare omnes quoscunque offendunt, possunt arte sua ad se adducere quem vident, et sistere illum praesentem apud se, utcunque renititur, et tunc revelant ejus mala, nam hoc possunt mali spiritus, imprimis sirenes, et sic incusant et damnant; si tunc non adigitur ad recipiendum illorum cultum, sive diabolicum, sive agere sanctum hypocritice ab altera parte, conjiciunt illos in furvas cavernas circum montem eorum; sed usque eximuntur a Domino.


1. conformiter indiciis auctoris 5656 huc transponimus

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