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《灵界经历》 第5658节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5658

5658. Then, when the upright spirits from whom they had their perspicuity had been removed, they became insane. They rushed from the southern part of the mountain where the worshipers of the devil were, from the mountain downwards into a hell, which they adored, everyone rushed down in this way, where there were black caverns that they entered. Consequently it happened to them as it was said, and their city collapsed in a heap. Those who were from the other side, where there were external, holy rites, about which above [5652], were also almost all cast out almost into the northern quagmire, where the stupid are.

One of the Sicilians came to me. He was swarthy, black as a devil.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5658

5658. Then, the upright spirits from whom they had their acuteness, having been removed, they became insane, and rushed from the southern part of the mountain, where the devil worshippers were, downwards, out of the mountain into the hell which they adored. And so [did] they all [to a place] where were black caverns, into which they entered. And so it happened to them as was said. Their town, also, fell together in a heap. Those who were at the other side, where were the external sanctities of which above were also nearly all cast out thence into the northern gulf, where the stupid are. One of the Sicilians came to me; and he was dusky and black like a devil.

Experientiae Spirituales 5658 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5658. Tunc remotis probis spiritibus a quibus suam perspicuitatem habebant, facti sunt insani, et ruebant a parte meridionali montis, ubi cultores diaboli erant, ex monte deorsum, in infernum, quod adorabant, et sic omnes, ubi erant nigrae cavernae in quas intrabant, et sic factum illis sicut dictum, et urbs eorum collapsa est in cumulum; illi qui ab altera parte erant, ubi sanctitates externae, de quibus supra [5652], etiam inde ejecti sunt omnes fere in voraginem septentrionalem, ubi stupidi. - Unus ex Sicilianis me venit erat furvus niger sicut diabolus.

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