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《灵界经历》 第567节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 567

567. They do not walk on four feet like animals of the earth, or four-legged animals, but more or less jump, at the same time helping themselves along with their hands, so as to go faster. From time to time they stand on both legs, but bent at the knees, and they sit gracefully, almost like the Mohammedans, wherever they may be; and they rest in the same posture.

The fact that they move forward by jumping, arises from their inward nature, because they are of the earth, and at the same time look toward heaven. But the people of our earth, and spirits, mock them for this, being evil themselves, and born into wickedness, and boasting that they walk upright, whereas this is more a result of being arrogant. Clearly, the erect position of the body is not natural, but artificial, learned by training and habit over a period of time. Nature prefers that they walk in this manner, and if [the people of our earth] had so walked, it would have become good manners from custom, just as nakedness did in the warm regions of our earth.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 567

567. Moreover, they do not walk on all-fours as do terrestrial animals or quadrupeds, but they hop, as it were, and at the same time assist themselves with their hands in order to go more quickly. And from time to time they stand on both feet, but bent at the knee. Wherever they may be, they sit gracefully almost like the Mahomedans, and thus also do they rest. That they proceed by hopping also flows from interior nature, because they are of the earth and at the same time have regard to heaven. But the men and spirits of our earth scoff at this because they are evil, and malice is innate in them; and they also glory that they walk erect, which comes rather from their nature, that they are proud. It can be established that the erect position of the body is not natural, but artificial, and was learned and became habitual in course of time. Nature wills that men should rather walk [as do the Jovinians], and if they had so walked it would have assumed a decorous appearance from use, as is the case with nakedness in the warm regions of our earth.

Experientiae Spirituales 567 (original Latin 1748-1764)

567. Praeterea non ita ambulant quatuor pedibus, sicut animalia terrestria seu quadrupedia, sed quasi subsultant, et tunc adjuvant se manibus suis, ut citius eant, et passim binis pedibus insistunt, sed inflexis ad genua, et pulchre sedent sicut Mahumedani fere, ubicunque loci, et sic etiam quiescunt; quod subsultim vadant, id etiam ex interiore natura fluit, quia e terra sunt, et simul coelum spectant, sed homines nostri tellurisa 1

, et spiritus subsannant id, quia sunt mali, et malitia eis innata, et gloriantur quod erecti eant, quod ex ea natura potius venit, quod fastuosi sint; id constare potest, quod erectio corporis non naturalis sit, sed artificialis, et temporis successu docta et assuefacta; natura vult ut ita ambulent potius, sique [ita] ambulavissent indueret id ex usu decorum, sicut nuditas in locis calidis nostrae telluris.


1. hic ut alibi tellus masculine dicitur

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