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《灵界经历》 第5682节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5682

5682. That things like angels in human form, dwellings, churches and many other things have appeared to the prophets, these are believed; but if attention is centered on these things, they are thought to be visions, in which there is nothing real.

But those of a simple nature do not center in this way and investigate whether it is so, on which account those of them who are not entirely bodily-minded and worldly believe, the learned less so, and the more learned they are the less they believe.

But that these things nevertheless really are like this has been granted me to know from many years actual association [with spirits].

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5682

5682. They believe that such things appeared to the prophets as, for example, angels in the human form, dwellings, temples and many other things; but, if they are placed immediately under their observation, the thought comes up that they are visions in which is no reality.

But the simple do not place a material thing under the midst in this way, and investigate whether it is so. Wherefore, those of them who are not altogether corporeal and worldly, believe: the learned to a less extent, and the more learned they are, the less do they believe such things.

But, still, it has been granted me to know from the living interaction of many years that those things are really so.

Experientiae Spirituales 5682 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5682. Quod talia apparuerunt prophetis, ut angeli in forma humana, habitacula, templa et plura, haec creduntur, sed si sub intuitione media ponuntur, cogitatur quod sint visiones, in quibus non reale.

Sed simplices non ita ponunt res sub medio, et disquirunt num ita sit, quare qui eorum non prorsus corporei et mundani, credunt, minus eruditi, et quo eruditiores eo minus.

Sed quod usque illa realiter talia sint, ex plurium annorum viva conversatione scire datum.

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