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《灵界经历》 第5689节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5689

5689. The reason why they first are held in their outer qualities is because their inner qualities must be joined to outer ones, or must be separated, and in this way they must be prepared for the inner life that after death is a person's actual life. Those who then have inward heavenly life through what they have done and thought, done and thought for the sake of God and the neighbor, when they come into their inner qualities are wise. Those who do not have inward heavenly life are those who think only about themselves and the world in everything. Afterwards they become comparatively insane, and will nothing except what is evil, and think what is false.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5689

5689. The reason they are at first kept in externals, is because their interiors are then to be conjoined with their externals or to be separated from them and the spirits are to be thus prepared for interior life, which is the life itself of man after death. Those who then have a heavenly interior life, owing to their having done and thought the things they did and thought for the sake of God and the neighbor, when they come into their interior are wise; those who have not, who are those who thought only about self and the world in all things, are afterwards comparatively insane, and desire nothing else but evils, and think falsities.

Experientiae Spirituales 5689 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5689. Quod primum in externis teneantur est quia tunc conjungenda sunt interiora eorum externis, ac separanda, et sic praeparandi ad vitam interiorem, quae est ipsa vita hominis post mortem: qui tunc interiorem vitam habent coelestem, per id quod quae fecerunt et cogitaverunt, fecerunt et cogitaverunt propter Deum et proximum, illi cum [in] interiora veniunt, sapiunt; qui non habent, qui sunt qui solum cogitaverunt de se et mundo in omnibus, postea insaniunt respective, et nihil nisi quam mala volunt, et falsa cogitant.

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