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《灵界经历》 第569节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 569

569. When an evil spirit of the earth Jupiter was at my side, wanting to reprove me for things I had thought and done, the angels of that earth were also present, as mentioned earlier [541-542]. They were then holding up my face, especially the area around the lips - my mouth open, and my expression ever cheerful and laughing. Later I was told that this is the way they keep the inhabitants of that region, so that they have a cheerful countenance, not a sad one, for the reason, as it seems, that angels are present.

The evil spirit did not know otherwise than that it was an inhabitant of his earth at whose side he was standing. 1748, the 26th day of January.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 569

569. When the evil spirit from the planet Jupiter was at my side, and wished to reprove me concerning things thought and done, and the angels of that earth were present, as was said [nos. 541-2], they then kept my face, especially the region around the lips, elevated, with the mouth open, and my face continually cheerful and laughing. Later it was said to me that they thus keep the inhabitants of that region so that their faces are cheerful, not sad, because, as it seemed, the angels are then present. That evil spirit knew no otherwise than that he was standing by an inhabitant of his own earth. 1748, Jan. 26.

Experientiae Spirituales 569 (original Latin 1748-1764)

569. Quando spiritus malus telluris Jovis a latere meo esset, et me vellet redarguere de cogitatis et factis, ac angeli istius telluris adessent 1

, ut dictum [541-542], tunc tenebant faciem meam, et cumprimis regionem ejus circum labra suspensam 2

, ore patente, et continue faciem meam hilarem et ridentem, et postea dicebatur mihi, quod sic teneant incolas regionis istius, ut tunc hilari facie sint, non tristi, ex causa, ut videtur, quia angeli adsunt; malus spiritus non aliter sciebat quam quod incola suae telluris esset, cui adstaret. 1748, die 26 Jan.


1. In the Manuscript forte ante adessent leviter postscriptum tunc

2. The Manuscript has suspensa

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