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《灵界经历》 第570节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 570

570. Besides the spirits of that earth spoken of [519-520], there are other spirits who urge toward things contrary, for everywhere there are also opposite spirits these are their spirits who have been banished from their society have become evil. When they come up anyone, something like a flying fire falls near the front parts of the person, passing thence his back parts lower down from there he speaks toward the higher parts in fact in a rough forked voice, such as cannot be adequately described, almost as if he spoke with a forked tongue. He tells them contrary things, namely, that they should not live according the teaching of the angels, but free from restraints things of this kind that are contrary what the teaching spirit had told them previously. For the most part they come not long after the teaching spirit has left then tell the person the opposite, urging him toward a licentious life. But because the people there know that these spirits are of that character, they do not heed them. They also learn in this way what evil is, for without a recognition of evil - inasmuch as there are such people - their life understanding cannot develop; but they must be taught what is good by means of evil thus they learn avoid evil to strive after good, as well as be moved by what is good. 1748, the 27th day of January.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 570

570. Besides the spirits of that earth spoken of before, there are other spirits who also persuade things contrary, for there are contrary spirits everywhere, and these are the spirits of those who have been banished from their society, and have become evil [see n. 520. When these come alongside a man, something resembling flying fire falls near the front of the man and so proceeds to his back low down, and there speaks towards his higher parts, and this in a hoarse or cloven voice which cannot very well be described; it is almost as if he spoke with a forked tongue. He says contrary things to them, namely, that they ought not to live according to the instruction of their angels, but according to their own license, and similar things which are opposed to what the instructing spirit had previously told them. For the most part they come not long after the instructing spirit has gone away, and so say things contrary to him and persuade to a licentious life. But because the men there know they are such, they care nothing about them. Thus they learn also what evil is, for their life and understanding without a knowledge of evil, as long as they are men and indeed men of such a quality, cannot be given; but they must be instructed what good is by means of evil, and so learn to shun evil and to strive after good, thus also to be affected with good. 1748, Jan. 27.

Experientiae Spirituales 570 (original Latin 1748-1764)

570. Praeter spiritus illius telluris, de quibus prius [519-520], etiam dantur spiritus, qui quoque contraria suadent, nam ubivis, dantur etiam spiritus contrarii, suntque eorum spiritus qui a societate eorum exterminati sunt, et maii facti, ii dum appellunt ad hominem, instar ignis volantis prope anteriora hominis cadit, et sic vadit ad posteriora ejus inferius, ibique loquitur versus superiora, et quidem voce rauca seu bifida, quae 1

satis exprimi nequit, paene quasi si bifurcata lingua loqueretur, hic dicit contraria iis, nempe quod vivere debeant non secundum angelorum instructionem, sed secundum eorum licentiam, ac similia, quae contraria sunt iis, quae spiritus instruens iis prius dixerat, utplurimum veniunt non longe postquam spiritus instruens abivit, et sic ei contraria dicit, suadetque vitam licentiosam, sed quia sciunt homines ibi quod tales sint, eos nihil curant, ita discunt quoque, quid malum, nam vita eorum, ac intellectus absque cognitione mali quamdiu 2

homines sunt, et quidem tales non 3

dari potest, sed instruendi sunt quid bonum per malum, et sic discunt evitare malum, et affectare bonum, tum etiam affici bono. 1748, die 27 Jan.


1. sic in J.F.I. Tafel's edition Manuscript rauco seu bifido, qui

2. The Manuscript has mali, quamdiu

3. The Manuscript has tales non

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