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《灵界经历》 第5694节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5694

5694. Those, however, who are going to be raised into heaven are continuously being purged as to what is false and what is evil to the point that finally they may be in their own good loves and the truths belonging to these. Before this they cannot be raised up into heaven because their evil loves and the false thoughts gravitate downward. And they are also purged as to gross outward elements [of their nature], which are the grosser physical and worldly elements, merely physical pleasures, and in this way they are reformed. They are then so to speak light, so they can be raised into heaven; before this it cannot happen. This too goes on 1 to 50 years. During this they also undergo various temptations, which leads to the separation of their outward evils, for the will of resisting evils is then brought in more deeply, and in the degree this is received, in the same degree heaven is within, and this drives off hell, which dwells in the outward elements.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5694

5694. Those, however, who are to be raised up into heaven, are continuously vastated as to evils and falsities, so that at length they are in their own goods and the truths thereof. They cannot be raised up into heaven before; for their evils and falsities weigh them down. And they are also vastated as to the gross externals, which are corporeal, and the grosser worldly things, which are merely bodily pleasures, and thus are reformed. They then become as it were light, so that they can he elevated into heaven: it cannot take place before. This, too, lasts for one to fifty 1years. Meanwhile, they also undergo various temptations, which promote the separation of their external evils for, then, the will of resisting evils is interiorly borne in; and, as far as this is received, so far heaven is within, and this drives away hell, which dwells in the externals.


1. This was written in 1757, the year of the Last Judgment - see n, 5699, below. Since that event, the period of vastation never exceeds twenty years (AR 866). -TR.

Experientiae Spirituales 5694 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5694. Qui autem elevandi sunt in coelum, illi continue vastantur quoad falsa et mala, usque tandem ut in bonis suis et illorum veris sint, non prius elevari possunt in coelum, nam mala et falsa illorum gravitant, et quoque vastantur quoad crassa externa quae sunt corporea et mundana crassiora, quae voluptates mere corporeae sunt, et sic reformantur, tunc sunt sicut leves ut elevari in coelum possunt, prius non potest fieri, hoc quoque perstat 1 ad 50 annos: interea etiam tentationes varias subeunt, quae conducunt ad malorum externorum separationem, nam interius tunc infertur voluntas resistendi malis, et quantum hoc recipitur, tantum est coelum intus, et hoc abigit infernum, quod habitat in externis.

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