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《灵界经历》 第5695节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5696

5695. All vastations take place through the separation of evils from the good, and through the separation of goods from the evil; for every evil in man has its communication. It takes place in very many ways I could recount the ways, but it would be prolix beyond measure. Arranging in order takes place by the gathering together of evil or good spirits, and their separation and dispersion; and when these are being dispersed, or separated, the spirit is of his own good or of his own evil, and has communication with his like.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5695

5695. All vastations take place through the separation of evils from the good, and through the separation of goods from the evil; for every evil in man has its communication. It takes place in very many ways I could recount the ways, but it would be prolix beyond measure. Arranging in order takes place by the gathering together of evil or good spirits, and their separation and dispersion; and when these are being dispersed, or separated, the spirit is of his own good or of his own evil, and has communication with his like.

Experientiae Spirituales 5695 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5695. Omnes vastationes fiunt per separationem malorum a bonis, et per separationem bonorum a malis, nam omne malum apud hominem habet communicationem, hoc fit permultis modis, modos possem recensere, sed prolixum nimis est, ordinarie fit per collectionem malorum aut bonorum spirituum, separationem eorum et disjectionem, quibus disjectis aut separatis spiritus sui boni vel sui mali est, et communicationem habet cum suis.

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