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《灵界经历》 第5696节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5696

5696. About the last judgment

Finally all those from the Christian world were exposed who certainly were in light as regards spiritual matters but had no charity as regards matters of the will, so that they had [a good] understanding but not a will [for this]. In the beginning, spirits like this are accepted, and they find delight in knowing higher things for no other purpose than the experience of delight. And in other life such delight also increases with them, as does their understanding as well, which is kept in light, thus in a pleasant state. But the will is then asleep and does not appear. Spirits like this in the other life appear here and there in the mountains, and some of them in the high mountains, partly in the middle region and partly in the western region. There they band together and form groups; and they do this to a wide extent through their thinking, through which they are present there. And they believe they can never be thrust down. They do not trust in the Divine except intellectually when it is well with them and they are happy. Later, when this ceases, they abandon [their trust]. Spirits like this also have no concern for their neighbor: they see [his need] but bring no help whatsoever, even if he were an upright person, or an angel. They seize on various principles products of their understanding, as to why they should not do this: for example, that they did not want to dispel a misfortune themselves and as a result injure some, since it is the Divine that accomplishes this; besides other excuses which they use to exonerate their unwillingness.

[2] They link themselves with evil individuals everywhere and defend them, believing that this makes them stronger. In a word, they tolerate evils everywhere and let them in, because such is the nature of their will, although they see [that these are evils]. Those are like this who put themselves between the Lord and the evil in the other life, indeed, between the Lord and people on earth, and entirely weaken the result of every process. They as it were block the way in such a manner that the operation of the Divine could not exercise its power in lower things. They want to control things like this, when, nevertheless, inwardly they are evil and motivated by self-love.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5696


At length were exposed all those from the Christian world who were, indeed, in light as regards spiritual things, but not in any charity as regards voluntary; so that they have understanding but not will. Such ones are accepted in the beginning, and are delighted with knowledges; not for the sake of other uses, but only on account of the delight. With these, too, in the other life, such delight is increased, and also the understanding, which is kept in light, and thus in a pleasant state; but the Voluntary is then rendered torpid, nor does it appear. Such ones in the other life appear on mountains, here and there; and some of them on the lofty mountains - partly within the middle portion, and partly in the western side. There they conjoin and consociate themselves together, and this widely by means of thoughts, by which, there, presence takes place; and they believe that, so circumstanced, they can never be disturbed. They have no faith in the Divine, save intellectually when things go smoothly with them and they have happiness; afterwards, when these pass away, they recede. Such ones, also, do not care how things are with a neighbor: they see him, but render him no assistance. They cause themselves to appear as innocences, or angels. They take up various principles from the Intellectual, as to why they do not do it [i.e. the truth]; as, for example: that they do not wish to reject evil from themselves and so to infest others, - just as the Divine does; besides other reasonings by which they excuse their disinclination. They likewise league themselves with the evil everywhere, and defend them, believing that they themselves are the stronger. In a word, because their Voluntary is of such a kind, they tolerate and countenance evils anywhere and everywhere, although they see [that they are evils]. Such are they who interpose themselves between the Lord and the evil in the other life, yea, between the Lord and man, and entirely deaden all effect. They as it were block up the way, so that the Divine operation is not able to make its way into the lower places. They desire to have rule over such ones [viz., the evil]; when, nevertheless, they themselves are inwardly evil, and in self-love.

Experientiae Spirituales 5696 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5696. De ultimo judicio

Tandem e Christiano orbe detecti sunt omnes illi, qui quidem in luce quoad spiritualia erant, sed non in aliqua charitate quoad voluntarium, sic ut illis intellectus esset, sed non voluntas, tales principio acceptantur, et delectantur cognitionibus non propter alios usus quam propter delectationem, in altera vita apud illos augetur quoque talis delectatio, et quoque intellectus qui tenetur in luce, ita in amaenitate, at voluntarium tunc sopitur, nec apparet: tales in altera vita apparent in montibus hic et ibi, et quidam eorum in montibus editis, partim intra medium et partim in parte occidentali. Illi ibi conjungunt se et consociant se, et hoc late per cogitationes, per quas praesentia ibi, et credunt quod sic nusquam possint deturbari, non fidunt Divino, nisi intellectualiter cum illis bene est, et felicia habent, postea cum illa cessant, recedunt. Tales etiam nihil curant quomodo se habet cum proximo, vident sed nihil auxilii ferunt, si vel foret innocens, vel angelus, captant principia varia cur id non faciant, ex intellectuali, ut quod non malum a se velint rejicere, et sic infestare aliquos, sicut facit Divinum, praeter alia ratiocinia, per quae suum involuntarium exculpant. Ligant etiam se cum malis ubique, et defendunt illos, credentes quod sic fortiores sint, verbo patiuntur mala ubivis, et admittunt, quia voluntarium illorum tale est, tametsi vident. Tales sunt qui interponunt se inter Dominum et malos in altera vita, imo inter Dominum et hominem, et prorsus obtundunt omnem effectum, obstruunt sicut viam, sic ut operatio Divina non possit vim suam habere in inferioribus: volunt praeesse talibus, cum tamen intus mali sint, et in amore sui.

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