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《灵界经历》 第5697节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5697

5697. There were spirits like this in a mountain in the middle and some like this in a rather high mountain in the western quarter toward the north and roundabout everywhere in the mountains on the sides of the mountains all around. They did not appear in the high mountain. They were able to make themselves invisible. And they united themselves with all the others roundabout; and all believed themselves to be in heaven because, as has been said, they had only the light of understanding, without heaven's heat. Consequently they are the most dangerous of all because they hide themselves and act stealthily in company with the evil ones. They do not dare to act against the good until they see they are beginning to turn aside, and then they are present and have greater powers and bring greater assistance than the evil because they also are linked with simple good people.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5697

5697. There were such ones on a mountain in the middle region; such ones, also, were on a somewhat high mountain in the western quarter towards the north, and everywhere round about, on the slopes of the mountains all round. Those on the high mountain did not appear. They were able to make themselves invisible. They also conjoined themselves with all the others round about; and they all believed that they were in heaven, because, as has been said, they were in intellectual light without heavenly heat. Hence, they are the most dangerous of all, because they keep themselves out of sight and act with the evil. Against the good they venture nothing, until they see that they are beginning to fall away. Then they approach them; and these possess more power and render more aid than the evil, because they are also allied with the simple-good.

Experientiae Spirituales 5697 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5697. Tales fuerunt in monte in medio, et tales in monte satis alto in plaga occidentali versus septentrionem, et circum circa ubivis in montibus in lateribus montium circumcirca; in monte alto non apparebant, inconspicuos se facere poterant, et illi se conjunxerunt cum aliis omnibus circum circa, et crediderunt omnes quod in coelo esse, quia ut dictum in luce intellectuali, absque calore coelesti; inde sunt omnium periculosissimi, quia se abscondunt et latenter agunt cum malis, contra bonos non audent, antequam vident quod incipiant declinare, tunc adsunt, et plus virium habent et plus opis ferunt quam mali, quia etiam ligati sunt cum simplicibus bonis.

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