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《灵界经历》 第5698节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5698

5698. When it was learned that those were like this, they were thrown down from the mountains: from the mountain that was in the middle, from the high mountain that was in the western quarter toward the north, and then all on the sides of the mountains round about, with whom they were linked together; and this happened to thousands. Those who were in the high mountain were thrown down under their mountain. The mountain opened itself and swallowed them, and they fell, or rather, were thrust deeply down and brought into great darkness. The darkness that took hold of them flowed in. Darkness is falsity, which for them takes the place of light. The rest as well were thrown down into their own hells, depending on the nature of their will.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5698

5698. When it was ascertained that these were of such a character, they were cast down from the mountains, also from the mountain that was in the midst, and from the high mountain that was in the western quarter towards the north, and afterwards all who were on the slopes of the mountains round about, with whom they were leagued; and this until the myriads who were on the high mountain were hurled down beneath their mountain. The mountain opened itself and swallowed them up; and they fell down, or were thrust down, deeply, and were let into great darknesses. There inflowed darknesses which laid hold of them. The darknesses are falsities, which to them are in place of light. The rest, also, were cast down into the hells, according to the quality of their will.

Experientiae Spirituales 5698 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5698. Illi cum compertum quod tales essent, dejecti sunt e montibus, tum e monte qui in medio, tum e monte alto qui in plaga occidentali versus septentrionem, et dein omnes in lateribus montium circumcirca, cum quibus ligati sunt, et hoc quoad myriades; qui in monte alto, dejecti sunt sub suo monte, aperuit se mons et deglutivit eos, et delapsi seu detrusi sunt profunde, et missi in tenebras magnas, tenebrae influebant, quae eos occupabant, tenebrae sunt falsa, quae loco lucis illis; reliqui etiam dejecti sunt in sua inferna, secundum quale voluntatis eorum.

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