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《灵界经历》 第5711节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5711

5711. About the last judgment and about cities in the other life

My inward sight was opened and I looked into Stockholm's Stora Nygatan 1and then saw many walking there. Next I was led onto the street. And there were angels with me. They said that in the houses roundabout no one was alive but all were dead, that is to say, spiritually, so that they were horrified and did not want to go further. When they are dead in the houses there, then no windows appear in the houses, but holes, inside which all is dark; but when they are alive, windows appear and in them people. I then was led to Lilla Nygatan. 2There, it was said, a few were alive. Then I was lead back toward Slussen. 3At the market place there scarcely anyone was alive. Derlengst bodarna vuro, 4it was said there were few. Likewise on the other side of the bridge, where livbodarna 5around the marketplace were, there were not any who were alive, except in one house, on the corner. There was no one in the great houses there besides this. Then, on the long street from the marketplace, derest apotheket, 6there was also no one alive, but I did not look far. And not a living spirit was seen from the marketplace toward the sea, and then farther. They said that while all the houses were full, still those who are not alive do not appear to the angels. But when especially evil spirits are walking the streets there, they said, then windows appear and people there have light, for the evil see in their own light and also see those who have the same light. Bergenstierna 7was there on Stora Nygatan Street, and others who they said are visible to their eyes. But at the time they were not.


1. = a street of this name.

2. = a street of this name.

3. = an area of central Stockholm.

4. Swedish for "around where the shops were"

5. Swedish for "the food shops"

6. Swedish for "where the pharmacy was"

7. See footnoted information on him in passage 5132.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5711


My interior sight was opened, and I looked into a street of Stockholm, the large new street, 1and then saw many people walking about there. I was afterwards led through into that street; and there were angels with me who said that in the surrounding houses in that street not any one was alive, but all were dead - that is, spiritually - so that they shuddered, and were unwilling to go farther. When those in the houses there are dead, no windows appear in the houses, but holes, within which all is dark; but when they are living, windows appear and men at them. I was next led through to the little new street: 2it was said that some few, there, were living. After this, I was conducted back towards. . . . . . . , 3at the marketplace. There, scarcely anyone was living. . . . . ., 3that, there, some were. Likewise at the other side of the bridge, where. . . . ., 3In the market-place there were not any who were living, except in one house at the corner. . . . . ; 3none, moreover, in the large houses there. Next, [I was conducted] to the long street out of the market-place, . . . . . 3the chemists shop, 4also, no one was alive; but I did not look far within. Nor was there anything living from the market-place towards the sea: and so on. They said that, nevertheless, all the houses were full, but those who are not alive do not appear to the angels; but that when spirits, especially evil ones, walk about in the streets there, windows appear, and the men there in the light; for the evil see in their own light, and also see those who are in a like light. Bergenstjerna was there, in the street, the large new street; 1also others, who said that they [the inhabitants] appear before their eyes, though not at that time.


1. Swedish, stora nygatan.

2. Swedish, lilla nygatan.

3. The MS. at the gaps was undecipherable. -TR.

4. Swedish, Apotheket.

Experientiae Spirituales 5711 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5711. De ultimo judicio et de urbibus in altera vita

Aperiebatur mihi visus interior, et introspexi in plateam Stokholmiae Stora Nygatan, et vidi tunc ambulantes ibi plures, dein perductus sum in illam plateam, et angeli erant mecum, qui dicebant quod in domibus ibi circumcirca non aliquis esset vivus sed omnes mortui, nempe spiritualiter, sic ut horrerent, nec ulterius vadere volebant; cum in domibus ibi sunt mortui, tunc apparent non fenestrae in domibus, sed aperturae intra quas tenebrosum, at cum vivi tunc apparent fenestrae, et in illis homines, perductus dein sum ad Lilla Nygatan, ibi dicebatur quod aliqui pauci essent vivi, postea reductus sum versus Slyssen, ad forum ibi vix aliquis vivus, derlengst bodarna vuro, 1

quod ibi aliqui, similiter ab altera parte pontis, ubi livbodarna 2

in foro non erant ulli vivi, praeter in una domo, in angulo; nullus in magnis domibus ibi praeterea: dein in plateam longam e foro, derest apotheket, 3

etiam nullus vivus, sed non longe introspectum, nec vivum e foro versus mare et sic porro. Dicebant quod usque omnes domus essent plenae, sed quod non appareant angelis qui non vivi sunt: at cum in plateis ibi ambulant spiritus imprimis mali, quod tunc appareant fenestrae, et homines ibi in luce, nam mali vident in sua luce et quoque illos qui in simili luce, Bergenstierna ibi in platea Stora Nygatan erat, et alii qui dicebant quod coram 144 oculis eorum appareant; sed quod tunc non.


1. circum quo tabernae erant (verba suecica)

2. bel livsmedelsaffarerna = tabernae condimentoriae (vox suecica)

3. = ubi medicamentorium (verba suecica)

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