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《灵界经历》 第5712节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5712

5712. After this I was brought to the London, spoken of above [5012-5014, 5016, 5092, 5360], and was guided there from the back part by smaller [streets] almost as far as the Borse, 1and it was said that there they were not alive; and on the other side there too that they were not alive; in Cheapside some were; and on the side of the temple 2likewise. I was not taken farther. From this it was evident that few there on that side are alive.


1. Swedish for "the exchange"

2. I.e., St. Paul's.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5712

5712. Afterwards, I was led through the London which is referred to above, 1and was there conducted along the back part by the meaner [thoroughfares], almost as far as the Exchange; 2and it was said that neither were those there living, nor, also, those at the other part. In Cheapside, some were; and also at the part by the temple. 3I was not led any farther. Hence it was plain that few at that part, there, were living.


1. Nos. 5012-14, 5016, 5092, and 5360. -TR.

2. Swedish, Borse.

3. Probably St. Paul's Cathedral, - unless, indeed, the locality called "The Temple" be meant. --TR.

Experientiae Spirituales 5712 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5712. Postea deductus sum Londinum, quod supra, et perductus sum ibi a parte posteriori a minoribus usque fere ad Borse, 1

et dicebatur quod ibi nec vivi, ab altera parte quoque nec ibi, in Cheapside aliqui, et quoque ab illa parte templi, ulterius non perductus; inde patuit quod pauci ibi viva ab illa parte.


1. = the Exchange (vox suecica)

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