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《灵界经历》 第572节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 572

572. Continuation on the inhabitants of Jupiter

Their good spirits were anxious that I should not publish anything I have heard from them, for among them it is forbidden, and punishable, to divulge what spirits speak to any outside of their family - thus except to closest friends and married partners, and children to their own parents.

1. ) But I replied to them that on this earth, the situation is different in that spirits and angels do not speak with people, nor do people hear what a spirit is saying, because their thoughts are immersed in worldly and bodily concerns. And it is their nature not to believe anything the senses do not grasp, so that many do not even believe there are spirits and angels, thus that there is a heaven, or a life after death, still less that the one only Lord rules all things and all people - these facts they comprehend all the less because they judge from the ideas of the outer senses, which are so limited, corporeal and material, that they grasp nothing of that kind, but cloak it all in darkness, and consequently in doubts, causing people to deny inwardly.

2. ) In fact today, even these things that have been seen and heard by me concerning people on another earth, many do not believe, but roll up in various wrappings, calling them fantasies; and if they dared, they would even call fantasies anything they read in their holy Word - so unbelieving they are! So what they will have thought about these matters among themselves, I do not yet know.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 572


Their good spirits were solicitous that I should not publish what I heard from them, for with them it is forbidden under penalty to publish what spirits say, except to those who are their most intimate friends, and to their consorts, and also children to their parents, but not outside their family.

(1) But I replied, that on this earth there is a different state, namely, that spirits and angels do not speak with men, nor do the latter hear what a spirit says, for their thoughts are immersed in mundane and corporeal things, and they are such, that what they do not apprehend by their senses, they believe to be nothing; so that very many do not even believe that there are spirits and angels, thus that there is a heaven and a life after death, still less that the One Only Lord governs all things, and all men. They comprehend these things the less because they judge from the ideas of the external senses which are so finite, corporeal and material, that they comprehend nothing about such matters, but involve them all in darkness, consequently in doubts, which cause them inwardly to deny.

(2) Even now, many do not even believe these things that have been seen and heard by me concerning those in another planet, but involve them in various appearances, calling them phantasies; and, if they dared, they would also call whatever they read in their holy Word phantasies. Thus they are unbelievers; wherefore what they will think about these things within themselves I do not yet know.

Experientiae Spirituales 572 (original Latin 1748-1764)

572. Continuatio de Jovis incolis

Eorum boni spiritus solliciti erant, ne quid vulgarem, ex iis, quae audivi, nam penes eos vetitum sub poenis vulgare ea quae spiritus loquuntur, nisi amicissimi sint, tum conjuges, ac liberi ad suos parentes, non autem extra eorum familiam; sed iis respondebam, quod in hac tellure alius status sit, nempe quod spiritus et angeli cum hominibus non loquantur, nec quod audiant quid spiritus loquitur, quia immersae sunt eorum cogitationes mundanis et corporeis, suntque tales ut quae non sensus capiant, nihil credant, sic quod plerique ne quidem credant quod spiritus ac angeli, sic quod non coelum ac vita post mortem sit, minus quod Dominus unicus regat omnia et omnes, quod eo minus comprehendunt, quia ex sensuum externorum ideis judicant, quae tam finitae, corporeae et materiales sunt ut nihil comprehendant de talibus, sed involvant omnia tenebris, proinde dubiis, quae faciunt, ut intus 1

negent; imo nunc, quod haec quae visa et audita a me sint, de iis in altera tellure, plures ne quidem credant, sed involvunt variis speciebus, vocantque phantasias, ac si ausi essent, etiam quicquid in eorum Verbo sancto legunt, etiam phantasias vocarent, ita increduli sunt, quare quid ad haec cogitaverint inter se, nondum scio.


1. In the Manuscript intime in intus emendatum

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