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《灵界经历》 第574节

(一滴水译本 2020--)



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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 574

574. It can be inferred from their facial speech that they understand quite fully and quickly whatever a companion, and what their spirits speak, and of course, those who are more perfect, what their angels speak. For it is a speech free of elaborations that distract the thoughts and break them up into main points. Thus they can see the thoughts as a whole, for there are many things in them simultaneously, as when a person thinks or sees what is pictured almost at a single glance, as they say, together with all the feelings that are in it; so they are able to recognize what feeling lies within the speech.

Therefore with them, the face speaking is the index of their true feelings - and around the eyes, even of their mind. And they are not at all able to dissemble, and therefore their inward and more inward life itself is in their speech.

So they are able to speak with their heavenly beings, because their ideas are not thus immersed in earthly and bodily matters. Such an immersion causes the inward parts to be cut off, and, on this earth, makes people outwardly like angels, but inwardly like wild animals. They are surprised that any beauty can exist on the faces of this earth, and that they are not deformed. But this results from a different cause. 1748, 27 January.

Just now I spoke to those spirits from Jupiter who were present, saying that the evil people of this earth in the other life gradually become so ugly and deformed in their face, that they cannot look at them on account of their ugliness. I was told that their beautiful faces come from their infancy, which is innocent. 1748, 4 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 574

574. From their facial speech it can be concluded that they understand quite fully and quickly the things which a companion says, and which their spirits say, and indeed those who are more perfect, what their angels say; for the particulars which distract and divide the thoughts into matters of too great import, are absent.

(1) Thus they can see the thoughts fully, for there are many things together there, almost as when a man thinks, or sees his thoughts delineated before the eye, as they say, together with the affections themselves which are therein; wherefore they can recognize what affection lies hidden in the speech. On this account, the speaking face is with them the index of the "animus", and around the eyes is even the index of the mind; nor can they simulate in any respect. Thus the interior and the more interior life itself is within their speech. In this way they can speak with their heavenly ones, for thus their ideas are not immersed in earthly and corporeal things which cause interior things to be separated, and, on this earth, make men like the angels outwardly, but inwardly like wild beasts.

(2) The spirits of Jupiter wondered that there can be any beauty in the faces of the men of this earth, and that they are not distorted; but this comes about from another cause. 1748, Jan. 27.

[574a.] 1I have now spoken to those spirits of Jupiter who were present, and they said that in the other life the evil of this earth gradually become so deformed and distorted as to their face, that, on account of their deformity, they cannot be looked at by them. It was said to me that their beautiful faces come from their infancy, which is innocent. 1748, Sept. 4.


1. This paragraph was added by Swedenborg when he was compiling the Index.

Experientiae Spirituales 574 (original Latin 1748-1764)

574. Concludi potest a loquela faciei eorum, quod plenius et citius intelligant ea, quae socius, et quae spiritus eorum loquuntur, imo perfectiores, quae eorum angeli, nam particularia, quae distrahunt et in majora momenta dividunt cogitata absunt, sic cogitationes plene videre possunt, nam plura simul insunt, sicut dum homo cogitat paene, aut videt delineata oculo, ut dicitur, uno, cum ipsis affectionibus, quae insunt, quare cognoscere possunt, quae affectio latet in loquela; quare facies loquens apud eos est index animi, imo mentis, sed circum oculos, nec simulare uspiam possunt, ipsa sic vita interior, ac intimior, inest loquelae; ita possunt cum coelestibus eorum loqui, nam sic nec ideae immerguntur terrenis et corporeis, quae faciunt, ut separentur interiora, et extus simulent 1

in hac tellure angelos, at intus feras; mirantur, quod pulchritudo aliqua dari potest faciebus hujus telluris, et quod non distortae sint, sed hoc ex alia causa venit. 1748, 27 Jan. Nunc loquutus iis Jovialibus spiritibus 2

praesentibus, quod mali hujus telluris in altera vita, successive tam deformes et distorti 3

fiant eorum facie, ut ob deformitatem non queant ab iis spectari; dictum mihi, quod pulchrae facies veniant ab infantia eorum, quae est innocens. 1748, 4 Sept.


1. The Manuscript has simulant

2. The Manuscript has spiribus

3. The Manuscript has distortae

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