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《灵界经历》 第5747节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5747

5747. All those are called "Michael" who fought for the Divine of the Lord, and [the truth] that He and the Father are one, and thus God is one. And he [fights] for the life that is called the life, or rather caring for others. For those who do not acknowledge the Divine of the Lord, and thus that He is one with the Father, all at heart, make nothing of spiritual matters, that is, of what pertains to heaven. They talk about God, but do not care about Him. They fall back on whatever dictum of some particular evil [spirit], especially at the beginning of temptation. Those who are Michael were chiefly from the ancient heavens, they have all remained in existence, and were from them in those heavens who were from pagan peoples, and from young children from everywhere now adults.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5747

5747. Those are all called Michael, who fought for the Lord's Divinity, and [for the truth] that He and the Father were one, and thus that God is one, and who fought on behalf of the life which is called the life of faith or charity. For those who do not acknowledge the Lord's Divinity, all, in heart, make nothing of spiritual things, or those which belong to heaven. They talk about God, but do not care for Him; they go over to any opinion whatever of some evil [spirit]; principally, at the first temptation. Those who were Michael were chiefly from the ancient heavens, who all remained steadfast; also of those who were among them from the gentiles, and from infants everywhere at that time grown up.

Experientiae Spirituales 5747 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5747. Michael dicuntur omnes illi qui pugnabant pro Divino Domini, et quod Ipse et Pater unum essent, et sic quod unus Deus, et qui pro vita quae vocatur vita fidei seu charitas, qui enim non agnoscunt Divinum Domini, et sic unum cum Patre, illi omnes nihil faciunt spiritualia seu quae coeli sunt corde, loquuntur de Deo, sed non Ipsum curant, recedunt ad quamcunque dictionem a quodam malo, imprimis ad primam tentationem. Qui Michael erant praecipue ex antiquis coelis, qui omnes permanserunt, et ab illis qui in illis erant ex gentilibus, et ex infantibus undequaque tunc adultis.

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