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《灵界经历》 第5762节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5762

5762. In their place others were carried away by the Lord. They in the meantime had been separated from those who were on the mountains and had been hidden and protected up to the moment, and they followed in their place. They made the new heaven. All these were such as had a charitable attitude toward the neighbor and consequently had faith, in other words, who were good and had conscience from the Lord, who, whenever anything evil [arose], thought that it was against what is true and good, against the Divine commandments, against God, and who from the Christian world worshipped the Lord. This went on from the beginning of the year 1757; and the elevation of the good to constitute the new heaven went on from the end of the month of April into the month of May.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5762

5762. In place of these, others - who, meanwhile, had been separated from those who were upon the mountains, and hidden and protected, even up till this time - were led forth by the Lord; and succeeded in the place of the former. These constitute the new heaven. They were all such as were in charity towards the neighbor and in faith therefrom, or, who were in good and had conscience from the Lord, and who, when there was anything evil, reflected, "This is contrary to truth and good, contrary to the Divine precepts, contrary to God;" and those of them who were from the Christian world, worshipped the Lord. This continued from the beginning of the year 1757; and the elevation of the good for constituting the new heaven, took place at the end of the month of April, and in the month of May.

Experientiae Spirituales 5762 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5762. Loco illorum evecti sunt a Domino alii, qui interea separati ab illis qui super montibus, et reconditi, ac tutati usque ad hoc tempus, et loco illorum successerunt, qui faciunt novum coelum, illi omnes erant tales qui in charitate erga proximum et inde fide, seu qui in bono et quibus conscientia a Domino, et qui cum aliquod malum [ortum] cogitaverunt, quod hoc sit contra verum et bonum, contra praecepta Divina, contra Deum, et qui ex Christiano orbe coluerunt Dominum, hoc perstabat a principio anni 1757, et elevatio bonorum ad constituendum novum coelum a fine mensis Aprilis, in mense Majo.

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