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《灵界经历》 第5768节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5768

5768. 1At the back was a broad, somewhat elevated plain. This was where those were who with the mouth made a show of piety and with the mouth spoke of God and prayed that He might be merciful, and in so doing filled their thoughts as well, and also took the holy supper frequently and appropriately, and nonetheless at heart had nothing like this. They lived a life entirely of this world and evil; inwardly they thought nothing about God that was like what they said, they were extremely hostile to Him, concerning which above [5766], and wanted to destroy Him with all kinds of torment. These too were cast into the swamps outside the plain; part was thrown forward into underground cells too.


1. Following the author's instruction 5767 is found after 5764.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5768

5768. 1At the back was an extensive plain. There, somewhat raised up, were those who made a profession of piety with the mouth, and spoke about God with the mouth, and prayed that He would be merciful, and by this means, also, accustomed their thoughts [to such things], and likewise attended the Holy Supper frequently and habitually, and nevertheless, possessed nothing of the kind in heart. They lived an altogether worldly and evil life. They thought nothing interiorly about God, as they spoke. These were those who were exceedingly enraged against and wished in every way to destroy him [who was in faith and charity] - of whom, above. 2These, too, were all cast into the marshes beyond the plain. A part, also, were cast forwards into caverns.


1. For no. 5767 see after 5764. -TR.

2. Nos. 5766-5766c. -TR.

Experientiae Spirituales 5768 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5768. 1

A tergo erat ampla planities aliquantum elevata, ibi erant, qui ore praetulerunt pietatem et ore loquuti de Deo, et oraverunt ut misericors esset, et per id etiam imbuerunt cogitationes suas, et quoque obierunt sanctam coenam, frequenter et solito, et tamen usque corde nihil tale habuerunt, vixerunt prorsus vitam mundi, et malam, nihil cogitarunt interius de Deo sicut loquuti, hi erant qui maxime infensi fuerant illi de quo supra [5766] illum perdere omni cruciatu voluerunt, hi quoque omnes conjecti sunt in paludes extra planitiem, pars etiam conjecta est anterius in cryptas.


1. 5767 invenias conformiter indiciis auctoris post 5764 insertum

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