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《灵界经历》 第5773节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5773

5773. All their speech flows from the thing itself and the affection for the thing which is expressed in sound, thus audibly as in the world; and because all have similar speech this consequently comes from the innermost of every person and is produced in accord with the mental image of the thing. Still, it is affection speaking, or better said, varied affection given form, that is to say, divided into elements, that constitutes speech, and all affection comes from the inward life. Nonetheless, the evil cannot speak about the things of heaven from inward affection and express them in words, for the things of heaven are written only on the lives of angels.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5773

5773. All their speech flows from the thing itself and the affection of the thing, which is expressed sonorously, as sonorously as in the world; and since there is a similar speech with all, therefore, that speech comes from the inmost of every man whatever, and is produced according to the idea of the thing: still it is the affection which speaks; or it is the affection, varied, formed or separated, which is the speech; and all affection is from the interior life. But still the evil are not able to speak of the things of heaven from internal affection, and express them in words; for the things of heaven are inscribed only on the life of angels.

Experientiae Spirituales 5773 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5773. Fluit omnis illorum loquela ex ipsa re et affectione rei, quae exprimitur sonore, ita sonore sicut in mundo, et quia omnibus similis loquela est, ideo venit illa ex intimo cujusvis hominis, et producitur secundum rei ideam; est usque affectio loquens, seu affectio variata, formata seu partita, quae est loquela, et affectio omnis est a vita interiore. Sed usque mali non possunt loqui de rebus coeli ex affectione interna et exprimere illas vocibus, quia res coeli solum inscriptae sunt vitae angelorum.

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