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《灵界经历》 第5774节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5774

5774. Appearances in the other life, from comparison; heaven

The case with real appearances in the other life is comparatively 1) like life, that it appears to be in a person, when nevertheless it flows in; 2) like wisdom, understanding, faith, love, that each are from man, when nevertheless they flow in; 3) like man, that he has no connection with the Lord through spirits and angels; 4) like [the appearance] that the eye of the body sees, that the body in general lives, when nevertheless it is the spirit in the body that is doing this; likewise in very many other [relations].

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5774


Real appearances in the other life are circumstanced, comparatively,

(1) like life, which appears to be in man, when nevertheless it inflows;

(2) like wisdom, intelligence, faith, love being from man, when nevertheless they inflow;

(3) like man existing without a connection with the Lord through spirits and angels;

(4) like the eye of the body seeing; in general, the body living, when yet it is the spirit in the body; so in very many other cases.

Experientiae Spirituales 5774 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5774. Apparentiae reales in altera vita, ex comparationibus, coelum

Apparentiae reales in altera vita se habent comparative

1) sicut vita quod appareat esse in homine, cum tamen influit,

2) sicut sapientia, intelligentia, fides, amor [quod] sit ab homine, cum tamen influit,

3) sicut [quod] homo sit absque nexu cum Domino per spiritus et angelos,

4) sicut quod oculus corporis videat, in genere corpus vivat, cum tamen spiritus in corpore, sic in perpluribus aliis.

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