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《灵界经历》 第5775节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5775

5775. Heaven relates to one Human Being

From much evidence the following has been made clear to me: In the Lord's sight heaven in its entirety is in the figure of a human being, and that in consequence the angels are human beings. This results from the inflow of what is Divine into heaven, because it is the Divine that makes heaven. Consequently they are angels as a result of their receiving what is Divine and not in the least from what is their own. Also angels appear as people in a most beautiful form, for as the general is, so are its particulars there. This is part of the order in heaven, as for example in the atmosphere: as the greatest [constituent] in it is, so is the least, and as is the least, so is the greatest. It a result of this that they can think, will and act in freedom, for all and the least things interact correspondently, and all that happens, happens from heaven's order and flow. The Divine Human is what flows into heaven and makes it [heaven]. Before the coming of the Lord this, the form of heaven, was the Divine Human, which is the Lord from eternity, thus the Divine Itself, or Jehovah, in heaven. Besides that, the inmost heaven forms the head in it, the second the chest, and the first the knees and feet. That there is a correspondence of heaven with all and the least things in a human being, which has been spoken about in many places, is clear. As a consequence it is ingrained in mankind everywhere, because it is a result of the inflow of heaven, that they worship the Divine in the Human form, except those who have rooted out this ingrained conception through [the abuse of] their own intelligence. It also is due to this that angels who are in the inner heaven, and especially those in the innermost, or as soon as they are elevated into a higher realm [of heaven], cannot other than think of the Divine in the Human form.

5576. About heaven

All have a form of worship similar to their worship in the world for the reason that it is enrooted in their inner life; and they are let into it at the first stage [after death] and then successively removed from it. It is the same with all in the whole world: idolaters into their worship, those who are good are carried into what is good, those who are evil into what is evil; likewise Christians, Catholics to their saints and idols؊ews, Mohammedans, gentiles; also to those whom they worship as gods.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5775


It is certain to me, from many proofs, that the universal heaven in the Lord's sight is in the figure of a man, and that it is from this that angels are men, and that it is owing to the influx of the Divine into heaven, inasmuch as the Divine makes heaven - consequently, angels are such from reception of the Divine and not in the least from their proprium: likewise, that, therefore, the angels appear as men in the most beautiful form; for, as the general is circumstanced, so are the particulars therein. This is from the order of heaven; as is the case in the atmosphere: that the greatest in it is as the least, and the least as the greatest. Hence it is that [we are able] to think, will and act in freedom; for all and every one of the things there correspond, and the things which happen, happen according to the order and flow of heaven. It is the Divine Human which inflows into heaven and constitutes it. Before the Lord's advent, the Divine Human was that form of heaven which is the Lord from eternity, consequently, the Divine Itself, or Jehovah in heaven. Moreover, the inmost heaven forms the head; the second, the breast; and the first, the knees and feet; that there is, consequently, a correspondence of heaven with all and everyone of the things which are with man - which has been much treated of - may be manifest. Hence it is implanted with man, everywhere, because from the influx of heaven, to worship the Divine under the Human Form, save with those who have eradicated this inclination by self-intelligence. Hence also it is, that the angels who are in the interior heaven, and especially those in the inmost, or any as soon as they are raised into a higher sphere, are not able to think of the Divine otherwise than under the Human Form.

Experientiae Spirituales 5775 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5775. Quod coelum referat unum Hominem

Ex multis constitit mihi, quod universum coelum in conspectu Domini sit in effigie homo, et quod angeli inde sint homines, quod hoc sit ex influxu Divini in coelum, quia Divinum facit coelum, ita angeli ex receptione Divini et non quicquam ex proprio, tum quod ideo angeli appareant ut homines in pulcherrima forma, nam sicut commune se habet, ita particularia ibi, hoc est ex ordine coeli, sicut in atmosphaera, ut maximum ibi est ut minimum et minimum ut maximum, inde est quod ex libero cogitare, velle et agere [possunt], nam omnia et singula ibi correspondent, et quae fiunt, ex ordine et fluxu coeli fiunt. Divinum Humanum est quod influit in coelum, et facit illud, ante adventum Domini fuit illa forma coeli Divinum Humanum, quod est Dominus ab aeterno, ita Ipsum Divinum seu Jehovah in coelo. Praeterea intimum coelum format ibi caput, secundum pectus, et primum genua et pedes; quod ita sit correspondentia coeli cum omnibus et singulis apud hominem, de quo multis actum est, constare potest. Inde insitum est apud homines ubique, quia ex influxu coeli, quod colant Divinum sub Humana forma, praeter apud illos qui hoc insitum per propriam intelligentiam eradicaverunt; inde etiam est, quod angeli qui in interiori coelo sunt, et maxime in intimo, seu ut primum elevantur in superiorem sphaeram, non aliter possint quam cogitare de Divino sub Humana forma.

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